Forum Replies Created

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  • RE: Search a value to complete database

    Here you go I updated your code to reflect some of the suggestions

    set nocount on


    if exists (select * from tempdb.sys.tables where name like '#SearchResult%') drop table #SearchResult


  • RE: Search a value to complete database

    Also to make provisions for Databases,schemas,Tables and fields names that have spaces by adding "[" and "]" to the strings

  • RE: Search a value to complete database

    Hi Gaurav,

    another suggestion is that you add a variable for schema as I see you assume that all tables will be in a "dbo" schema


    +1 Good Question thought I had it but I was wrong, been using the MERGE statement alot these days but never with Tables having INSTEAD OF triggers

    You learn something new...

Viewing 4 posts - 1 through 4 (of 4 total)