Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 16 through 30 (of 34 total)

  • RE: Foreign keys not recognizing in tables

    I changed all my datatypes to VARCHAR (that needed to change) and I still get an error on my lookup that says it is yeilding no matches.

  • RE: DataReader Source issue

    I redid all my tables and tried the Dataviewer and it worked. Now I have to export the data into an excel file so I am currently working on that...

  • RE: Flat File Date Conversion

    The files I recieve are usually in yyyymmdd or mm/dd/yyyy form. Unless I go in a change them myself, which I am not about to do, I have to import...

  • RE: Flat File Date Conversion

    I am having the same issues. Does anyone know an efficient way to convert dates?

  • RE: Problem with Data conversions from csv and txt files

    I actually figured out the column issue I was having but I am still having no luck with the date conversions. =\

  • RE: Problem with Data conversions from csv and txt files

    In this same table I also have to make 2 of the columns equal to another column, which I am also having trouble with. I am somewhat new to SSIS...

  • RE: Excel importing NULL values into database

    I seemed to have fixed the problem with the import. Apparently I had to add IMEX=1 to the ConnectionString to avoid this problem in the future due to the way...

  • RE: Trouble with multi-table query

    After looking over everything I had again you may be correct. There are separate columns for it to an extent in the excel files but nothing concrete enough to possibly...

  • RE: Trouble with multi-table query

    The information I am getting are from excel files sent to us by other counties so there really isn't a good way for me to add in a column that...

  • RE: Trouble with multi-table query

    CREATE TABLE [dbo].[emp_id]


    [pgb_id] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,

    [emp_ssno] [varchar](11),

    [emp_no] [varchar](20),

    [client_id] [varchar](50),

    [client_name] [varchar](50),



    [Pgb_id] ASC


  • RE: Trouble with multi-table query

    The problem is actually in the emp_deduc table. There are multiple deductions for each employee.

    I can query the depend_demo and emp_demo with no issues or unknown situations.

    When I try...

  • RE: Insert statement issue

    The client_id and client_name are the same for each file (each file has a different client) I import into the database. The database itself is much bigger and has multiple...

  • RE: Insert statement issue

    The table (destination) is _id (IDENTITY), emp_ssno, emp_no, client_id, client_name.

    The only information coming from the .csv file is emp_ssno and emp_no. _id is an IDENTITY that is generated upon insert....

  • RE: Insert statement issue

    The client name is just the name of the company it is coming from and the client id is an abbreviation based on that.

    For example:

    client_name: Jay High School

    client_id: JHS

    This data...

  • RE: Flat File source to SQL Server Destination question

    Thank you for all your posts. I will try each method listed and see what I come up with.

Viewing 15 posts - 16 through 30 (of 34 total)