Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 16 through 30 (of 30 total)

  • RE: Machine ID

    Hi Steve,

    You are right. It is the worst but that is going to be done at a later date as per the project priority.

  • RE: Machine ID

    Hi Robert,

    Well my problem is, the app uses "sa" as the id to connect to the db. All the security process is taken care of in the application. Therefore...

  • RE: Triggers not firing

    This is a check list which I would have to make sure if I come across something like this

    1) Check to make sure that table has the trigger for...

  • RE: Machine ID


    You are right! I wish I could do that...

    Well I am going to tell it to my customers and basically tell them the downside...

  • RE: Machine ID

    Hi Deuce,

    Well not really.. Because my app connects all users as the same SQL login after I do the intial security check using a lot of group hierarchy...

  • RE: Machine ID


    If I understand it right the unique name will be user_name + host_name right? Now I dont understand your reasoning behind the combination to be unique. Could you please...

  • RE: Identity in DDL

    Thanks Steve!! I was a little frustrated basically venting out..

  • RE: Identity in DDL

    It is int identity and not identity int. I dont understand why the datatype is called identity int when you got to define as int identity. Oh well..

  • RE: Machine ID


    I am going to go with the host_name(). That sounds like what I wanted..


  • RE: Machine ID


    So what do you think is the best way of getting an unique number/id/name so that I can identify that that box was used for this trigger to fire. Thats...

  • RE: Trigger Question


    Thanks for your time. The problem was I had another trigger on the same table which was redundant. I deleted the old trigger and everything is hip.

    Thanks Steve

  • RE: Trigger Question

    Here it is.. thanks

    drop trigger tr_req


    create trigger tr_req on req for update


    declare @table varchar(128),@col varchar(128),@old_value varchar(100),@new_value varchar(100),@last_upd_date datetime,@doc_type varchar(20),@col_name varchar(100)

    select @table = 'req'

    set nocount on

    select @last_upd_date = getdate()


  • RE: SQL stmt in a var

    Thanks I got it

    select @S = 'select @col_name = '''+@col+''''

  • RE: SQL stmt in a var

    Also got another quick question about the same thing. If I want to print the @col which is a variable itself how can I get it?

    I have @col dynamically assigned...

  • RE: SQL stmt in a var

    Thanks Brian! So is two single quote equal 1 single quote. Is that why we need

    SET @S = 'SELECT @table = ''abc'' '

    Thanks again

Viewing 15 posts - 16 through 30 (of 30 total)