Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 16 through 30 (of 35 total)

  • RE: Procedure to determnine long running SQL in SQL stored procedure.

    SELECT TOP 100

    [Database_Name] = db_name(st.dbid),

    [Object_Name] = object_name(st.objectid),


  • RE: user mappings suddenly disapear

    Have you restored the database where the mapping is missing from another environment? If yes you need to fix the users.

    EXEC sp_change_users_login 'update_one', 'username', 'username'

  • RE: tuning SPs executed repeatedly

    If you have already identified the procedures then that was your starting point. Now determine how many times the SPs are running and for how long. From that statistics, determine...

  • RE: Missing Database

    Just do a search on the data file name in the SQL box and if it's not there in the box, then you have no other option.. go for a...

  • RE: How to release space used by a table?

    give it a try to see the correct usage of the table.

    USE <DBName>


    DBCC UPDATEUSAGE (<DBName>,"SchemaName.TableName");


    and then run sp_spaceused

  • RE: Memory

    What looks to me is yes, you need more memory. The target allocations tend to show more than the current allocation when SQL needs more memory.

    Please monitor these perfmon counters...

  • RE: query running slow

    Index maintenance (reorg/rebuild/update stats) same for all the three instances?

  • RE: query running slow

    Hmm, strange.. one box has SQL SP3 and that's taking a longer time.. RTM is faster.. Can you check in another SP3 box to prove the point?

  • RE: Missing Column Statistics

    What is worrying me is "7054 severity 16 level 1 on spids 12s and 16s". SPID 12 and 16 are for SQL System processes.. What is the error description?

    What is...

  • RE: query running slow

    Please post actual execution plans in the three servers. I believe the sql version, structure of table, database settings and patch level are same.

  • RE: CXPACKET wait type with zero wait time

    You have to approach towards any performance issue systematically. First of all you need to ensure that it's a wait at SQL end, eliminating the waits at front end or...

  • RE: Actual SQL Server Memory Usgage

    I 'wd worry about a possible memory pressure if Target Server memory is more than Total Server memory, Page life expectancy is less than say 200 and buffer cache hit...

  • RE: Counters showing wrong memory usage

    Please post output of DBCC MEMORYSTATUS. Also, what is the average pages/sec and target server memory?

    Working set does not consider VAS and is not right to check memory pressure looking...

  • RE: On call support experience

    You have already entered a house full of information. Most of the questions asked here are the problems faced or thinking ahead of a problem. Please browse through the posts...

  • RE: Recompilation and CPU issues

    temp db by default has auto create and auto update statistics. When data volume changes in your temp table, SQL is likely to update the statistics after approx 10% data...

Viewing 15 posts - 16 through 30 (of 35 total)