Forum Replies Created

Viewing 7 posts - 1 through 7 (of 7 total)

  • RE: Query Order

    I didn't explicitly added * Order by * in the query.

    But how can i get ordered data of every run in 2 databases?

    Can you please explain collation ?


  • RE: Assigning Null value to the variable

    My Problem is not solved...

    SET @string = @Declare_column +

    " DECLARE @Row_Count integer DECLARE @count...

  • RE: Assigning Null value to the variable

    Thanks for your reply.

    I am dynamicaly constructing insert script.

    I don't know whether the column value is null or not.

    select @col1 = col1,@co2 = col2 from table

    If any one value is...

  • RE: DTS - Transformation Problem


    This is my ini file.

    [Source Filepath]


    [Source Server]


    [Source Database]


    I am having one or more queries in source_query_dts text file.

    I can able to access file path, sorce path and destination using activeX.


  • RE: how to get values from temp table?

    Hi GSquared,

    We are doing manually get the insert and select statement for

    input select statement.

    this process will take long time for our functional...

  • RE: how to use column_updated in Trigger ?

    Thank you Very Much Andras Belokosztolszki.

  • RE: how to get values from temp table?

    I want a SP that will take a Select statement as input and give out Select and insert statements for each records from the first input select statement.

    My Table...

Viewing 7 posts - 1 through 7 (of 7 total)