Forum Replies Created

Viewing 9 posts - 1 through 9 (of 9 total)

  • RE: displaying x y into 5x5 result set

    Something along the lines of...

    create table ##temp(

    locid varchar(10), xloc int, yloc int)

    insert into ##temp select 'u01', 1 , 2

    insert into ##temp select 'u02', 1 , 3

    insert into ##temp select 'u03',...

  • RE: displaying x y into 5x5 result set

    Is this output being dleivered through OLAP software. If so it might be better to deal with the table formatting issue in there rather than directly from the sql.

  • RE: 2008 Rebuild Index Maintenance Plan

    Hi, can you post the select statement.

  • RE: GROUP BY Problem

    Or perhaps you intended to Sum() the values from the case statement?

  • RE: GROUP BY Problem

    meelan (1/20/2012)

    As I stated earlier, it is used inside the CASE..END to calculate a value. Eg:

    SELECT S_Person,Sales,(CASE WHEN Sales > 100 THEN (Sales * [Commission Per]) ELSE 0 END) AS...

  • RE: Truncate Log File

    Might be worth executing a CHECKPOINT first.


    "diLip" (1/19/2012)

    how does sql engine decide what indexes to use when seeking indexes from table or tables that has clustered and multiple non-clustered indexes. I verified some different scenarios including...

  • RE: SQL about select records that has max count

    sqlfriends (1/19/2012)

    I have a query that wants to make a default orgUnitID to a Orgization.

    Basically I check to see which Orgnization has the most count more OrgUnitId, then I will...

  • RE: GROUP BY Problem

    meelan (1/20/2012)

    I have a query which uses a CASE WHEN to calculate some value. Inside CAS..END, I have used some fields (eg: 'Commission Per' from a joined table which are...

Viewing 9 posts - 1 through 9 (of 9 total)