Forum Replies Created

Viewing 9 posts - 1 through 9 (of 9 total)

  • RE: Permissions and encryption

    Thank you for the replies. TDE is not an option at this point. The application has been in service for many years. We need a solution to where users can...

  • RE: Understanding indexes

    Thank you

  • RE: Understanding indexes

    So the key position needs to match the query? Or a better question might be, do you have any links to where I can read up on this?

  • RE: Understanding indexes

    The existing index has four keys and no includes. I think you're asking how the suggestion relates to the existing. Here's that information.


    [myTable] (sugKey) INCLUDE (sugInclude1, sugInclude2)


    col1 (sugInclude1)


    col3 (sugInclude2)

    col4 (sugKey)

  • RE: Understanding indexes

    My concern is that it has close to 10k compiles so it seems there's a need there. The seek is large as well but I don't remember the number.

  • RE: Random long execution

    In this case, indexes don't seem to be the problem. I was able to see the issue in action the other day. Users reported an issue with a page in...

  • RE: Persistent index fragmentation

    Thank you for the information. I will add a page_count check to my script so it won't waste resources.

  • RE: Persistent index fragmentation

    So the reason it can't be defragmented is because it's so small? aka, this problem is basically only an issue because it's a development database? The production tables have many,...

  • RE: Persistent index fragmentation

    Page count: 4

    This is just on my development database. I assumed that if this problem occurred on my dev db, it would occur on production. As for being a heap...

Viewing 9 posts - 1 through 9 (of 9 total)