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  • RE: Call That a Database? This is a Database.

    pbowman-543344 (2/27/2012)

    diddybase - < 1Gb, especially the "test" or "proof of concept" databases, beloved of developers, with less than 10,000 records in each table, or with an entire dataset <...

    [font="Courier New"]me:"Emily! We do not pull the wallpaper off the walls!"
    Emily (aged 3)<sulkily mumbles>:"We do because we can."[/font]
  • RE: Call That a Database? This is a Database.

    Excellent article. I'd like to contribute some possible names

    i like Microbase for tiny home office type "cd collection" db's, ( inferring that its a well normalised decent DB, just...

    [font="Courier New"]me:"Emily! We do not pull the wallpaper off the walls!"
    Emily (aged 3)<sulkily mumbles>:"We do because we can."[/font]

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