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Viewing 8 posts - 1 through 8 (of 8 total)

  • RE: TSQL variable

    Nancy, it was just a snippet. here's the whole function:

    CREATE FUNCTION [dbo].[fnConcatUserComplaints] (@UserId int)

    RETURNS varchar(8000)


    DECLARE @strReturn VARCHAR(max)

    SET @strReturn = ''

    SELECT @strReturn = @strReturn+ ComplaintDetail+ char(13)

    FROM ComplaintsTable

    WHERE UserId=@UserId


  • RE: TSQL variable

    Hugo, I read the KB article and even when taking it into account, I think that my code is correct - it looks exactly as the statement described in...

  • RE: TSQL variable

    Hugo, is it not documented or documented as not defined? This code reminded me of a function I use that operates on the same principle in order to concatenate column...

  • RE: TSQL variable

    Right 🙂


  • RE: TSQL variable

    Since isnull(@var,1)=1 then the following code should be equivalent to the original:

    Declare @var int

    Select @var = 1+ Value1

    From (Select 1 Value1 Union All Select 1 Union All Select...

  • RE: setting display order of parameter boxes and dynamic parameter ranges

    You were correct about the re-querying on parameter change. That indeed solves my problem.

    Thanks again.

  • RE: setting display order of parameter boxes and dynamic parameter ranges

    Went over this again - it won't work in my case for two reasons:

    less significant reason: Since the user can choose any value between 1 and 100 for P1,...

  • RE: setting display order of parameter boxes and dynamic parameter ranges

    Many thanks. I recall that I tried a similar solution to the second problem but had some syntax problems. I'll try this when I get to work tomorrow.

Viewing 8 posts - 1 through 8 (of 8 total)