Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 36 total)

  • RE: filter duplicate students via T-SQL

    i have a problem with using numbers like 1111, 8888, 7777 etc in that sort field... whats the point of limiting a "sort" field to these numbers? i dont...

  • RE: filter duplicate students via T-SQL

    first of all naming a column and the table "Students is no good!

    , this gave me a duplicate and counted the number of duplicates

    SELECT Student, IDNo,...

  • RE: filter duplicate students via T-SQL

    kevin_nikolai (4/23/2013)

    Hi Sergiy, firstly thanks to you and everyone else who responded to my post.

    I think I should rather have named the title of my post:

    How to find duplicates...

  • RE: filter duplicate students via T-SQL

    how about if you join the fields?

    Try this:

    WITH CTE (emppin,trxdate, trxtime, DuplicateCount)



    SELECT emppin,trxdate, trxtime,

    ROW_NUMBER() OVER(PARTITION BY emppin,trxdate, trxtime ORDER BY emppin) AS DuplicateCount

    FROM dbo.rawtrx




    WHERE DuplicateCount > 1

    you need...

  • RE: filter duplicate students via T-SQL

    okay, after reading further your questions and scenarios... i doubt that my last post would work...

    how many times do you have the same student recurring? do you ever have...

  • RE: filter duplicate students via T-SQL

    SELECT EmpPin, trxdate, trxtime, COUNT(*) AS dupes

    FROM dbo.rawtrx

    GROUP BY EmpPin, trxdate, trxtime

    HAVING ...

  • RE: Linked Server to MS Access

    exec sp_addlinkedserver @server='FTDP',

    @srvproduct= 'Access',

    @provider= 'Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0',

    @datasrc= 'C:\ftdp.mdb'

    you need to download the oledb.12.0 provider from microsoft website. just google it.

    my problem is becoming even more interesting. I installed sql server enterprise edition,...

  • RE: Alias / CTE alternative

    Thanks for the reply. I guess the only way to find out is to actually try it.

    Gonna let the forum know what my results are ... Speed wise, i...

  • RE: advice on best design...

    can i just delete this topic? i mean no one responding to u...and i would rather it deleted.


  • RE: advice on best design...

    Okay, thanks for the reply. The system is running well for the time. I am 90% satisfied with its performance.

    This is a Time and Attendance / Payroll system. It collects...

  • RE: append sp

    ah! yes, i did try this ...i got an error but i know what the reason for the error is so it will work. Thanks.

  • RE: append sp

    ALTER PROCEDURE dbo.zz_sp_testing_inout


    WITH rows AS (SELECT *, row_number() OVER (ORDER BY emppin, trxdate) AS rownum

    FROM ...

  • RE: Time and Attendance need help pls...

    with rows as (

    select *, row_number() over (order by emppin, trxdate) as rownum

    from rawtrx)

    select *, rowsMinusOne.trxtime as trxtimeIN,

    ISNULL(rows.trxtime,1) as trxtimeOUT

    from rows as rowsMinusOne


  • RE: Time and Attendance need help pls...

    To the original poster...If you haven't figured this out yet, let us know. I got the perfect solution...i feel so much like a genius day by day...

  • RE: Time and Attendance need help pls...

    i think jack pretty much has the idea...i'm looking for a solution for this problem right now my self.

    i originally used the quirky update to test the transaction number for...

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 36 total)