Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 17 total)

  • Reply To: Ugly code fix

    The intent behind this code is to produce a formatted telephone number "###-###-####" or a empty string depending on the column values of Phone and MobilPhone.  You can achieve the...

  • Reply To: The Ultimate Home Office

    Thanks for the replies.  I'll do some research into both the D-Link and the Synology offerings tonight to see whether either has a distinct advantage over the other.  I've tried...

  • Reply To: The Ultimate Home Office

    Rick, what NAS are you using.  I've been reviewing them lately and haven't been able to make a definitive decision.

  • RE: HTML using XML PATH

    If I understand what you're asking; then the code in the <thead> section is currently designating 3 columns per row.  Change 2 of those entries to "Column1" & "Column2" and...

  • RE: Split out data from single field that is encoded with new lines

    When you call your function, append the new line character to the end of the list parameter.  That way there will always be a delimiter for the function to find.

  • RE: Strange Month number value in table of Dates

    It looks to me like this is a fiscal date based on the week.  You have a repeating pattern of 5-4-4 in the week numbers; except in June 2017 which...

  • RE: Always Encrypted Error in Sanbox Database

    I'll be waiting to se how it turns out.  Meanwhile, I'm going to try using your code in my testing to see if it makes any difference.  I've been gnashing...
  • RE: Always Encrypted Error in Sanbox Database

    I'm glad you got everything working.  In regards to your date field; I read that you need to use an ISO date format rather than a US based format.  You...

  • RE: Always Encrypted Error in Sanbox Database


    Have you enabled encryption in your connection? Right-click the query tab in SSMS, point to Connection, and then click Change Connection. This launches the Connect to Database Engine...

  • RE: Create Weeks Calendar from Date in SQL 2012

    Since you're wanting to compare 2 period across years; why not use the week of the year [datepart(wk,somedate)] to create begin and end ranges for each year. You'd compare...

  • RE: SSRS 2005 - Why Compatibility Level 90?


    Thanks for the reply. The code I used in the SSRS report came from a stored procedure that I can run from my level 80 database. I copied...

  • RE: Changing SQLServerCentral - Newsletter Layout


    My biggest complaint about the new layout comes from featured content section. My Outlook doesn't download pictures (to protect my privacy), so having the image of "Technical Article" on...

  • RE: Managing Risk


    Creativity != "that's how we always do it"

    I would like to suggest a 3rd option to remember:

    "that's how we always do it" != Reason to change

    Just because something has...

  • RE: Backup & Restore questions


    You and Grant both believe that the 6 hour window for transaction logs is too big. I won’t say that I disagree, but I’ll give you the back story...

  • RE: Backup & Restore questions


    I really liked your statement "don't associate the log backups to the full or differential, but also, don't ignore them because of the full or differential." That hit right...

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 17 total)