Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 46 through 60 (of 77 total)

  • RE: Using Access to put data into SQL Server

    The quickest and easiest way for interfacing Access with a SQL database consists in creating links (attached tables or linked tables

    in Access terminology) that connect the Access database (.mdb...

  • RE: Access 2007 front end to SS2K8 problem

    I frequently use this technique and never encountered this kind of problem. The sole difference is that I use DAO insead of ADODB as data library.

    Note: ADP is not supported...

  • RE: Access 2010 to Access 2003

    If you keep the database in the 2000 or 2002/2003 format (.mdb) it will be usable on any machine with Access 2003, Access 2007 (:sick:) or Access 2010 installed (full...

  • RE: Read-only Data

    In the company where I work, the ultimate archive stage consists in exporting the data in a flat model (csv files) that are stored on CDs or DVDs (always in...

  • RE: How to call After update event to the textbox

    If you want to assign a procedure to the ControlSource property of a control, this procedure MUST be a function, it does not work with a Sub. Notice however that,...

  • RE: SQL Server in Luxembourg

    "The SQL Server Luxembourg User Group will be holding its last major event of 2011 on Tuesday 6th December".

    By Press Release, 2012/01/02.

    No further comments needed!

  • RE: SQL Native Client with ms access

    When you work with the DAO library you need to specify the provider, whatever the driver can be (this is not the case when working with ADODB):

    "Provider=ODBC;Driver={SQL Native Client};Server=ATL20AS1100SQ02;Database=AS_KHL_2010_2011;Trusted_Connection=yes;"

    Have a...

  • RE: DLOOKUP Syntax

    This cannot work for several reasons.

    1. In the control source property of Textbox45, you cannot use [Me] because it is not defined in that context (Me is unknown there...

  • RE: Autopopulate textbox using sql table as look up table in MS Access form 2007

    ProofOfLife (12/21/2011)

    But the big difference here is the inclusion of the form_current event. Given that you are only wanting to update 45 when 41 changes, I don't see it...

  • RE: Autopopulate textbox using sql table as look up table in MS Access form 2007

    There are two events that will need the TextBox 'DIVISION_CD' to be changed:

    1. When the user changes the value of the TextBox 'LINE_CD' ('LINE_CD_AfterUpdate' event).

    2. When the current record changes...

  • RE: Include condition in the combo box in a form (MS Access 2007)

    No matter where the source data table is stored : you're using an attached (or linked) table in Access, as the name of the table reveals: dbo_MG_SERVICE ('dbo_' is a...

  • RE: Excute SP in Access 2007 Database

    You're welcome!

  • RE: Excute SP in Access 2007 Database

    1. Check the references of your project (in the VBA Editor open the "Tools" menu and select "References"). There should be a reference to the "Microsoft ActiveX Data Objects 2.x...

  • RE: CurrentDb looking at old path

    The first argument for the OpenRecordset method of a DAO.Database object (which CurrentDb is) can only be the name of a data source (litteral string or variable):

    1. The name of...

  • RE: Access db help needed.

    You don't even need to use DLookUp. If the price is in the same table or query than the one used as the RowSource for the combo (and if it's...

Viewing 15 posts - 46 through 60 (of 77 total)