Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 31 through 45 (of 77 total)

  • RE: reference recordsource on subform

    There are two problems here.

    1. When a form has subforms, every of there subforms are initialized before the initialization sequence of the main (parent) form (i.e. the Form_Open --> Form_Load...

  • RE: Default parameters

    Thanks for the info!

    I'll keep on parsing the value returned by OBJECT_DEFINITION(object_id) 🙁

  • RE: Interaction between MS Access/ODBC and SQL on remote host.

    If no local (MSAccess) tables are involved in the query, create a stored procedure on the server and call it from Access:

    Dim qdf As DAO.QueryDef

    Set qdf = CurrentDb.CreateQueryDef("")

    With qdf


  • RE: Sending Email Using Database

    First you need to define an email profile and a SMTP account. In the Object Explorer of SSMS, open the Management folder then double-click on Database Mail to open the...

  • RE: call a SQL Server User Defined Function from Access query

    In the VBA procedure, I would try:

    strSQL = "SELECT dbo.udf_GetStuff (44, 22)"


    varReturn = .OpenRecordset.GetRows

    And finally retrieve the value returned by the udf from varReturn(0, 0).

  • RE: Using CASE in real world examples

    The VB/VBA language has a strict syntax. You cannot just type whatever you want an expect that the interpreter/compiler will go with it.

    1. cbox AS TaskSelection.TaskSelect

    To declare and instanciate a...

  • RE: Employer asking for Social Media login?

    Fortunately, I live in a country where such a request would constitue an offence for which a potential employer could be prosecuted.

    Moreover I never had, have not and will never...

  • RE: Last Accesses Stored Procedure

    Eric M Russell (10/25/2012)

    rf44 (10/25/2012)

    Any idea why, when I try to use it, I receive a message:

    Msg 102, Level 15, State 1, Line 18

    Incorrect syntax near '.'.

    Line 18 is:


  • RE: Last Accesses Stored Procedure

    Any idea why, when I try to use it, I receive a message:

    Msg 102, Level 15, State 1, Line 18

    Incorrect syntax near '.'.

    Line 18 is:

    CROSS APPLY sys.dm_exec_sql_text(a.sql_handle) as b


  • RE: Dog Food

    Things would probably be better is the software vendors big or not so big (this is true for MS too), would care for correcting every known bug in a version...

  • RE: Using Access to put data into SQL Server

    Welsh Corgi (10/2/2012)

    If the Standard is to not use prefix table names and you were told not to use them then I guess you don't have any choice.

    That is unless...

  • RE: Using Access to put data into SQL Server

    Welsh Corgi (10/2/2012)

    As far as naming conventions, as a DBA I enforce them and I do not allow prefixes for tables.

    If you feel comfortable with 'tbl' as a Table prefix...

  • RE: Using Access to put data into SQL Server

    mrwillcostello (10/1/2012)


    WOW!!! Thank you for the very detailed post and the effort I know it took to creat it. It is very appreciated. It will take me some time todecifer...

  • RE: Using Access to put data into SQL Server

    Greg Snidow (10/1/2012)

    Welsh Corgi (10/1/2012)

    It is quite common in the Access world but I do not see any benefit in doing this.

    My guess is that quite often the people creating...

  • RE: Using Access to put data into SQL Server

    a) It took a longer time to write and format the text of the answer than to actually create both Access databases (English is not my mother language). As I...

Viewing 15 posts - 31 through 45 (of 77 total)