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Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 103 total)

  • Reply To: Using T-SQL over PoSh is the main reason I jump into PoSh when interacting with SQL Server. Just so much value there. On the other hand, if a fancy crafted SQL is required...

  • Reply To: PowerShell in Azure Data Studio

    Thank you for the great intro article to ADS!

    Would like to point out that per Microsoft, "There are two SQL Server PowerShell modules; SqlServer and SQLPS. The SqlServer module is...

  • Reply To: Reusing Tools for New Purposes

    Jeff Moden wrote:

    Such workarounds are absolutely stupid.  Not because the workaround itself is stupid but, rather, because Microsoft has made such a workaround NECESSARY. .......


    F@#$%NG EPIC!

  • Reply To: Reusing Tools for New Purposes

    <comment removed>

  • Reply To: GoTo Looping

    Jeff Moden wrote:

    qbrt wrote:

    .. Thank you for the fine feedback (although with only five letters in it, you could have spelled my name right :D) ...

    Uhm .... I...

  • Reply To: GoTo Looping

    OMG, David Poole chimes in too. I can't stop crying. I feel so small.


    David.Poole wrote:

    Thank God there's no GOSUB in SQL.

    There's a school of thought that gets sniffy at overuse...

  • Reply To: GoTo Looping

    jcelko212 32090 wrote:

    ... Then at Datamation magazine ran a gag article about the "come from" flow control structure as a replacement for the traditional "go to" flow control.

    Seriously! COMEFROM... Have...

  • Reply To: GoTo Looping

    I must say, seeing Jeff Moden, Eric Russel, Joe Celko, people I have learned so much from, all chime in on the same thread... Well, it just brings a tear...

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 2 months ago by  qbrt.
    • This reply was modified 3 years, 1 month ago by  qbrt.
  • Reply To: GoTo Looping

    jcelko212 32090 wrote:

    A go to statement can jump into the middle of a begin – end block. This means that all of those local variables have to be allocated beginning of...

  • Reply To: GoTo Looping

    I do not wish to get into the pros/cons of GoTo as a quick google search will return a ton of good content. And since you mentioned "not overused" makes...

  • Reply To: GoTo Looping

    Ack...GOTO. 🙁

    Didn't the world teach everyone how evil GOTO is and never to use it in higher level languages? 😀 It's evolution. Let's not evolve backwards. 😉

    I understand it's an...

  • Reply To: Trace Flag 2861

    I have SolarWinds DPA enable this trace flag on my SQL Server cluster.

    This info is still valuable to this day.

    Thank you.

  • Reply To: Partitioned Heap Table

    Jeff Moden wrote:

    As a bit of a sidebar and especially since the partitioning is done on a temporal column, consider a strategy like 1 filegroup with 1 file per quarter and...

  • Reply To: Partitioned Heap Table

    Very good question, Jeff. Thanks for asking. And you're spot on.

    These tables are part of a data warehouse solution and their sole purpose is to store all the data that...

  • Reply To: Partitioned Heap Table

    So, stopped being lazy for five minutes, and tested this myself. Indeed, the partition scheme is used to insert new records into such a heap table. Clustered index is not...

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 103 total)