Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 1,530 total)

  • Reply To: Unable to connect to named instance.

    Thanks Steve.

    TCP port was enabled. I added rule for UDP 1434 and it worked like a charm.

    Thank you!

    Pradeep Singh

  • Reply To: Express edition DB crossing limit

    Thanks Jasona. Recovery model was full and i changed it to simple. Also, truncate as i mentioned in previous reply wasnt the solution. The problem started repeating after sometime. Then...

    Pradeep Singh

  • Reply To: Express edition DB crossing limit

    Some further updates:

    .net process is something like this:

    1. begin tran

    2. delete from table

    3. bulk import access file

    4. commit

    Since the process was failing mid way due to file size exceeding 10...

    Pradeep Singh

  • Reply To: Express edition DB crossing limit

    I tried importing the access file (49 MB) on both new (sql server 2016 express) and old servers(sql server 2081 R2 Express). New server's data file size increases from 1...

    Pradeep Singh

  • Reply To: Express edition DB crossing limit

    Thanks Lowell. The table is a clustered one. Data from this table is removed and fresh data is imported everytime. There is just problem that i see so far. Developers...

    Pradeep Singh

  • RE: Measure shows incorrect value


    The actual problem is "Grand Total" is incorrect. This is true even when I do not select any dimension and just the sum of revenue.

    However, when I slice it...

    Pradeep Singh

  • RE: SQL Server HA with Automatic Failover

    You definately need an expert to setup DR between the servers/sites.

    You can have 2-node cluster (Standard edition of sql server supports) at both the sites and they can be mirrored.


    Pradeep Singh

  • RE: Log file moving

    You probably need to understand more about how log file works and how to manage it. See this link.

    Pradeep Singh

  • RE: Instance Level Failover in 2012 'Always On'

    Kishore-132325 (8/28/2012)[hr

    Node Majority / Node and Disk Majority / Node and File Share Majority...

    I have local disks on both my nodes and not SAN storage.

    I had configured cluster for auto...

    Pradeep Singh

  • RE: sql server 2012 licensing for replicas

    Also, I understand it comes in a pack of 2, price of which should be 6874*2 = $13748

    however I find sites which are selling for over 20k. Am I missing...

    Pradeep Singh

  • RE: Alwayson auto failover

    Thanks. I have asked my windows guy to give me a small quorum disk from the SAN or a third VM.. I will try the node+file share majority as well.

    Pradeep Singh

  • RE: Alwayson auto failover

    My setup has only 2 nodes so "Node Majority" quorum will not work (which is currently setup). The other type of quorum (node and disk) needs a shared disk...

    Looks like...

    Pradeep Singh

  • RE: Alwayson auto failover

    Yes, the manual failover works but with the following warning.

    The replica is on a WSFC node that does not have a quorum vote.

    I manually failed over the availability group...

    Pradeep Singh

  • RE: Alwayson auto failover

    Thanks Grant. Yes the db is synchronized. Its a test db with no transaction. I was thinking about failover timeout n other aspects. I had setup a plain cluster using...

    Pradeep Singh

  • RE: in-memory database?

    Yes the data and log files are on separate RAID arrays. There is no disk queue I would say right now (it was present while he was on SSD).

    Pradeep Singh

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 1,530 total)