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Viewing 15 posts - 16 through 30 (of 105 total)

  • RE: SSIS loading only 5 of 42 fields to SQL

    A very good question... I have not changed anything in the spreadsheet except to remove

    the lower border on columns 6 and 7 - retested existing SSIS with no changes...

  • RE: SSIS loading only 5 of 42 fields to SQL

    We think we have it figured out. The 6th and 7th columns have a "border" as a part of the individual cels for both of these columns. ...

  • RE: SSIS loading only 5 of 42 fields to SQL

    Hmmm.... I removed the 6th and 7th columns from the Excel spreadsheet ( they had no data contained within) and the SSIS package ran to completion, with all columns...

  • RE: SSIS loading only 5 of 42 fields to SQL

    I may as well give up.

    I went back into VS 2008 and deleted all the package attempts and I started off fresh again. I completely rebuilt the process...

  • RE: SSIS loading only 5 of 42 fields to SQL

    Hi all. I appreciate everyone considering my issue. However, I have been able to download the data into columns of nvarchar (255), but as a database designer from way...

  • RE: SSIS loading only 5 of 42 fields to SQL

    It's a monster...9200 rows. How about a sample of 200 rows?

  • RE: SSIS loading only 5 of 42 fields to SQL

    Truely weird....

    I now have a two step process in SSIS that runs to normal completion - no errors... but the Data Flow parts will only transfer columns 1 thru...

  • RE: SSIS loading only 5 of 42 fields to SQL

    @SQLFRNDZ (12/27/2012)

    You could check if all the input columns are mapped to the output columns in the OLEDB destination...

    Yup, all column mappings are correctly intersected with SQL destination table columns....

  • RE: A Quick Count

    Hmmmm... Does one from some SQL user knowledgebase with the word "SCUK" on the front count? The only other 'coding' related T I have is one from the 1996 VBits...

  • RE: Fix v. Create

    A good Friday topic.

    In my current 'Apps team' position, I not only provide SQL support for 8 hardware servers, 8 VM servers and the major applications that may reside on...

  • RE: Career Engagement

    Ridiculous salary offers always thoughtfully considered.

    Ha, ha, ha. Of course you all realize that hidden within the folds of all that green paper are the crappy things going on at...

  • RE: Licensing

    bitbucket-25253 (4/28/2012)

    Nice simple/easy question to start the week.

    I would have added one other adjective to Bitbuckets description : expensive

    For those of us without much funding to "keep up with...

  • RE: Migrating SQL 2000 logons to SQL 2005

    Thanks Richard. Just confirms you can't skip anything around here...:Whistling:

  • RE: Migrating from 2005 to 2008 or waiting to upgrate to 2012?

    Here is a url for the latest (April 2012) version of the Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Licensing Guide. The document went from 7 pages to 21, so a lot of...

  • RE: The Data Resolutions

    What would you like to do differently in your career in 2012?

    Hmmm.... Learn to cope with MS SQL licensing changes. Speak in a kinder voice, act in...

Viewing 15 posts - 16 through 30 (of 105 total)