SSIS loading only 5 of 42 fields to SQL

  • Post the package you are trying with, the one having the issue on column 6, and I'll try running it on my side.

    We can at least see if it is your install or a general issue.

    There are no special teachers of virtue, because virtue is taught by the whole community.

  • Hmmm.... I removed the 6th and 7th columns from the Excel spreadsheet ( they had no data contained within) and the SSIS package ran to completion, with all columns loading for all rows. Any ideas if the data conversion task has built in logic to stop processing the input spreadsheet if two adjacent blank columns are encountered?? Truely wierd.

    This solution will not work, of course, as I am certain those two columns are going to have data at some point. I have not figured out how to get a copy of my SSIS solution posted to SQLCentral. Can I attach just solution file/member as I did the spreadsheet?

  • You'll have to zip it first and then attach the zip file. dtsx is not a supported extension afaik.

    There are no special teachers of virtue, because virtue is taught by the whole community.

  • We think we have it figured out. The 6th and 7th columns have a "border" as a part of the individual cels for both of these columns. If I go into the spreadsheet and remove the 'lower border' so all cells in each of these columns have no lower border, then all data for all columns / all rows loads correctly.

    I am asking the Court Officer that creates the download dataset to revise their download instructions and make certain that no cels in the download have any borders. Hopefully once I have a revised spreadsheet to test with, this will resolve the problem. Who woulda thunk this one, huh?? Something to put into my HINTs document to remember down the road.....

    Thanks to all who helped me with your suggestions and comments. JT Nelson

  • Why didn't I have trouble loading the data? Did you post a modified version of the original spreadsheet?

    There are no special teachers of virtue, because virtue is taught by the whole community.

  • A very good question... I have not changed anything in the spreadsheet except to remove

    the lower border on columns 6 and 7 - retested existing SSIS with no changes and all columns and

    rows loaded. I even put the Data Conversion step back in and redefined the Excel columns to the

    SQL column sizes and it all works just wonderfully now.

    The only other part that changed is the Excel spreadsheet data in col 6 and 7 now has sporadic

    data values as the data extract part has been updated (earlier today) to include records that actually

    HAVE Bail Amounts and Warrant Expire Dates (downloading more than 14000 rows now.)

  • I meant in the one you attached to this thread. How did you construct the one you attached, the one I was able to load with no issues?

    There are no special teachers of virtue, because virtue is taught by the whole community.

  • To pull that attachment I selected the first 200 rows of the downloaded spreadsheet and attached it to

    my SQLCentral reply. I went back to the entry with the attachment and when I open that attachment to

    review it, I can see the lower border in columns 6 and 7. You don't show a lower border when you open

    that spreadsheet?

  • I do, just wondering how the spreadsheet you shared was created. Deleting extra rows + save As or copy rows into a new sheet. It could have made a difference in the formatting that survived. I guess it'll be a mystery for now because I did not have any issues with the one you attached. Thanks for posting back, I am happy you got it sorted.

    There are no special teachers of virtue, because virtue is taught by the whole community.

  • Thanks for your time and assistance. JTN

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