Forum Replies Created

Viewing 7 posts - 1 through 7 (of 7 total)

  • RE: Help with linked server

    Thanks Peter.

    I had try this solution and it works. I couldn't find any other way to connect to the database protected with password.

    Thanks again,


  • RE: Help with linked server

    Allen, the query SELECT * FROM mylinkedserver.yourcatalogname..mytable doesn't work, fails with the same error. I look at Enterprise Manager and, when I select Tables under the linked server, the Catalog Column shows...

  • RE: Help with linked server

    I first tried with Microsoft OLE DB Provider, but I could't find a way to authenticate correctly. Then I created a system DSN, specifying the password (without user name) and...

  • RE: Help with linked server

    Thanks Peter. Did you ever try to create a linked server to an Access Database with password protection using Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers and specifying an ODBC...

  • RE: Help with linked server

    The problem is that my Access database is protected with just a password, without user. When I define the linked server, I can't leave the login in blank and when I...

  • RE: Change Collation for user database

    Look at Mike Pearson's article "Changing Rogue Database Collations" posted to this forum in 05/26/2003

  • RE: Help with query

    Sorry, but I don't know how to format the text in order to make my question clear, so I going to use _ to align the text correctly.

    Table A




    Table B








Viewing 7 posts - 1 through 7 (of 7 total)