Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 61 through 75 (of 96 total)

  • RE: SSMS Query behavior question

    I thought I tried right clicking and it did not work. But after your post I tried again and it works fine.

    I did create a NonClustered index. Now the...

  • RE: SSMS Query behavior question

    I did as you suggested.

    The results appeared on the Execution plan tab. But they exented beyond the visible window and there were not any scroll bars. Nor could I...

  • RE: Recursive help needed

    Got it. I replaced the IDNo in the sortkey with ChildCategory and Category. If they were not encased in IsNull then the sort key would return NULL.

    With CatList (Child, Parent,IDNo,...

  • RE: Recursive help needed

    The topic that just won't die.

    The latest request is to have the nodes of the various tress in alphabetical order.

    So I think I have to modify the SoryKey to include...

  • RE: Recursive help needed

    Ibe be .....d. It works. I am going to spend time tonight trying to understand the changes. I have no idea what Stuff does. But that is where I am...

  • RE: Recursive help needed


    No thank you. Indentation is not necessary.

    I copied your query just now into SSMS. The results are shown in the jpg. Do you get something different?

  • RE: Recursive help needed

    Wow. that was quick.

    The order was in my original post.

    Here it is. For some reason the indents are not show. I do not need it returned with indents. But it...

  • RE: Recursive help needed

    Thanks. It was backwards. I get all the records now.

    However they are not sorted in a recursive manner. The data I posted yields misleading results as it was all...

  • RE: Help with replacing Superscript 2

    Thank you. I thought it would be something along those lines. I am using the NChar for the replace because once I tried Replace(Teststring,Char(8218),',') and that set all the field...

  • RE: Script to Backup A and Restore as B

    One thing leads to another. Your code worked. Now I have additional questions. When I restore GMF to A as I did origianlly using SSMS, shouldn't I be changing the...

  • RE: Script to Backup A and Restore as B

    The Results are in the attached jpg.

    What I find interesting is that the FileListOnly has a Logical name for the A log file as GMF_Log but the Physical name...

  • RE: Script to Backup A and Restore as B


    Ok. I added that.

    restore filelistonly from disk='D:\SQLData\A.bak'


    FROM DISK = 'D:\SQLData\A.bak'

    WITH REPLACE, MOVE 'A' TO 'D:\SQLData\B.mdf', MOVE 'A_Log' TO 'D:\SQLData\B_Log.ldf'



  • RE: Script to Backup A and Restore as B

    Martusha and Muthukkumaran Kaliyamoorthy,

    Thank you both. I am still doing something wrong.

    The table names are:






    These 5 files are located in the D:\SQLData\ folder.

    Here is my current script:


    FROM DISK...

  • RE: Script to Backup A and Restore as B


    I hit a snag. When executing your code, I receive:

    The backup set holds a backup of a database other than the existing 'B' database.

    I think this will be cured if...

  • RE: Full Text Search "Contains" question


    Thanks for the info. I do appreciate the help since I know so little.


Viewing 15 posts - 61 through 75 (of 96 total)