Forum Replies Created

Viewing 6 posts - 91 through 96 (of 96 total)

  • RE: Select based on Date- How to?

    It was late. The DateAdd function is incorrect. It should read.


    or in VB 2008


    T-Sql to the left of the operator, VB to the right.

  • RE: Select based on Date- How to?

    I understand. No functions on the left hand side of the operator.

    If I want to reutrn the records Less than or equal to My Date then it will be

    Where EndDt...

  • RE: Select based on Date- How to?

    A friend suggested the following. It seems to be cleaner than mine.

    Where cast(varchar(8),EndDt,112) <= Format('01/02/2009',"yyyyMMdd") Sorry for mixing T-SQL and VB.

    However, both Jeff and Lynn bring up the issue of...

  • RE: Select based on Date- How to?

    Jeff, I didn't know that the string conversions would slow things down. Thanks for that piece of information. I had used the increase the day by one trick previously. But...

  • RE: Select based on Date- How to?


    Thanks for your replies. You have started me thinking in different direction than I had been. The problem I am trying to solve is one of comparing dates but not...

  • RE: Save Changes not permitted...

    1. I should have backed up and restored. This solved the missing identity problem.

    2. I disabled the Tools>options>Designers>table and database designers>Prevent saving changes that require table recreation.

    This name is a...

Viewing 6 posts - 91 through 96 (of 96 total)