Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 31 total)

  • RE: T-Sql Contruction

    I cannot use this

    select *from TableA A

    , TableB B

    where B.reference = substring(A.trad_type,1,6)

    because the reference could be SL997599 or SL9975586666 so substring won't work


  • RE: Dynamic mapping drives

    Here is the code

    The code is from the guy called Nigel Rivett

    CREATE procedure ISL_FTP_PutFile

    @FTPServer varchar(128) ,

    @FTPUser varchar(128) ,

    @FTPPWD  varchar(128) ,

    @FTPPath varchar(128) ,

    @FTPFileName varchar(128) ,

    @SourcePath varchar(128) ,

    @SourceFile varchar(128) ,

    @workdir varchar(128)


    /*Please Maggy do not forget to use no_output so that...

  • RE: Dynamic mapping drives

    I managed to get this and it works like a bomb

  • RE: FTP from remote server

    Hi Guys

    I got an answer from where Nigel use used Put, I had to use Get since I am getting this from remote server. ...

  • RE: SQL UDF to return hours

    Thanks once again Dave, where did you learn SQL or maybe how?  Please give me an indication because I am relying mostly on help...

  • RE: SQL UDF to return hours

    Hi Dave!

    I am a newbie when it comes to SQL, sorry for inconvienience, your answer worked perfectly, but  I meant to say minutes

    With your above answer, can you change that...

  • RE: SQL UDF to return hours

    Thanks, David, you are a star

  • RE: Using GetDate() in a User Defined Function

    You can get arround the limitations of getdate() within UDF by creating a view:

    create view dbo.vw_getdate (CurrentDateTime) as select getdate()

    select * from  dbo.vw_getdate (CurrentDateTime)


    Then you can use this view within...

  • RE: SQL UDF to return hours

    I still don't understand what to do, I am a newbie when it comes to UDF

  • RE: Table Conflict

    I answered myself, for those who have the same problem, this is what you can do, alter a column so that the collations are the same


  • RE: Output FTP File

    Hi Pete

    Thanks a lot, I also used xp_cmdshell.

    Both of us are still using a manual process.  I want something that will check if the new files arrived and schedule a job or...

  • RE: Trigger returns error BUT NOT on Query Analyser

    Ok Steve, this is my code in the table trigger, and it takes the parameters to the dll.  I didn't write the dll it was writen by the vendor, but...

  • RE: Oracle Stor Proc from SQL

    I used ALL CAPS, but still got the same error.  I don't think you can call Oracle store proc from SQL

  • RE: Oracle Stor Proc from SQL

    Yes I did and I get this error

    Could not process object 'call FM.TDP_LOADER.insert_exec_alloc()'. The OLE DB provider 'MSDAORA' indicates that the object has no columns.

    OLE DB error trace [Non-interface error: ...

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 31 total)