Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 25 total)

  • RE: Mirror aware T-SQL

    Ok, now that I am back on this job. I thought I would post some further testing in case anyone looks at this discussion later.

    The Linked Server using Native...

  • RE: Mirror aware T-SQL

    This code would go into a stored procedure that is called from crystal reports. On a bit of testing, you only notice a performance hit (slight pause) after the...

  • RE: Mirror aware T-SQL

    I believe the error above is happening as a result of the compiling the stored procedure before running it. I've gotten the stored procedure to work after a failover...

  • RE: Mirror aware T-SQL


    That's how I set up the Linked Server. I used the FailoverPartner switch in the connection string.

    The problem that I have is after it failsover,...

  • RE: Opening a symmetric key in a stored procedure

    Thanks for that.

    I had thought of executing a sql string, but was hoping that I was forgetting something and that there was a simpler (nicer) way. As...

  • RE: Opening a symmetric key in a stored procedure


    Here is the code to the stored procedure. This is a test stored procedure to test the ability with.

    CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[spEncrypt]


    @plaintext varbinary(8000),

    @ciphertext varbinary(8000) output




  • RE: Searching for Text in Stored Procedures

    Thank you for the help everyone.

    The '[[]' works great. It just didn't occur to me to look at the '[' and ']' as they were inside the quote marks.


  • RE: Data Formatting


      I thinkthat the easiest way to accomplish this would be to use

    >=Dateadd(year, -1, Convert(varchar(8), Getdate(), 112))

    The Convert gets rid of the time element, then the dateadd will make...

  • RE: Database naming...


      I am not sure about the batch file, but SQL Server won't allow you to "CREATE TABLE March-30".  It will allow you to "CREATE TABLE [March-30]". 

      The -...

  • RE: DatePart Function


    I would look up the Convert funtion is the Books on Line.  Here is an example of how to use convert.  Also, if you NEED it to be of datetime...

  • RE: datename-datepart weirdness

    The reason for the difference is this:

    Datename and Datepart are require dates, in this case they are being given integers, which are being converted to dates. 

    7 is converted to...

  • RE: Different Counts Returned By 2 Similar SQL Queries


      The reason for the difference is that first one is looking for -- 'smith' -- and the second one is looking for -- smith -- .  The value that...

  • RE: Best way to convert access database to Sql 2000


      I am not a guru, but I do work with Access 2000 and SQL Server on a daily basis.

      I believe that you have more flexibility when linking...

  • RE: Copy a DTS Package


    Thanks for that. Worked perfectly, I didn't even think that it would be that easy.


    I can see your suggestion being perfect on different servers, but...

  • RE: varchar to timestamp/bigint ?

    I just ran a quick test using cast, it seems to work for me. The timestamp info is just in a different format. Here's what I did for...

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 25 total)