Forum Replies Created

Viewing 12 posts - 1 through 12 (of 12 total)

  • RE: How to create a database backup using visual studio

    Charles Kincaid (3/30/2012)

    I agree that there are lots of good tools on the market. What makes me so tired, and sad, is hearing from my clents that they have...

  • RE: How to create a database backup using visual studio

    wayne.mcdaniel (3/30/2012)

    then we hit the 120 gigabyte database that wouldn't backup before the command timeout

    You can set CommandTimeout property to 0 and then SQLCommand will wait for statement's completion indefinitely.

  • RE: How to create a database backup using visual studio

    There are two more reasons for not using SMO for this type of project:

    1) Microsoft tends to change them with every next version of SQL Server, thus...

  • RE: Executing a Stored Procedure form ActiveX

    Chong Yuan (1/7/2008)

    objCMD.CommandText = "{? = call Calculate_BW_Dslam(?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)}"

    objCMD.CommandType = 4 'adCmdStoredProc

    objCMD.Parameters.Append objCMD.CreateParameter("New_BW", adSingle, adParamReturnValue)

    objCMD.Parameters.Append objCMD.CreateParameter("BW_Down",adInteger,adParamInput,objAdoRs("BW_Down"))

    objCMD.Parameters.Append objCMD.CreateParameter("AccessArea_ID",adInteger,adParamInput,objAdoRs("AA_ID"))

    objCMD.Parameters.Append objCMD.CreateParameter("Order_ID",adInteger,adParamInput,objAdoRs("ID"))

    objCMD.Parameters.Append objCMD.CreateParameter("QoS_ID",adInteger,adParamInput,objAdoRs("QoS_ID"))

    objCMD.Parameters.Append objCMD.CreateParameter("Current_BW",adInteger,adParamInput,objAdoRs("Current_BW"))

    objCMD.Parameters.Append objCMD.CreateParameter("Num_Dslam_AA",adInteger,adParamInput,objAdoRs("Number_DSLAMs"))



    CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.Calculate_BW_Dslam

    @IntBW_Down Integer,


  • RE: Article on Importing Text

    For importing and parsing delimited text files you can try to use ODBC Microsoft Text Driver or OLEDB Microsoft Jet 4.0 provider in text mode.

    As a result you will see...

  • RE: Machine Name Change

    DonaldW (12/21/2007)

    I agree. According to BoL the sp_addserver even allows for named instances. I suspect that this also worked with MSDE but I have not tried it myself.


  • RE: hosting 2000 database on sql server 2005.

    majorbloodnock (12/21/2007)

    That wouldn't be Quest's otherwise excellent ActiveRoles software, would it? We're currently facing exactly that problem, and it's a pain.

    In our case it was Lyris ListManager which had direct...

  • RE: hosting 2000 database on sql server 2005.

    If an application has embedded SQL statements and they are referencing system tables directly that may be the case of application being compatible only with a particular SQL Server version...

  • RE: Transaction Syntax Best Practice


    There also is a misuse of @@ERROR function - it's value is reset by ANY next statement executed including conditional statements (in your example it is IF statement). If you...

  • RE: unable to shrink log file

    In order to shrink log file when database is in FULL recovery mode you need to perform two consecutive actions:

    1. Backup transaction log.

    2. Immediately after step 1 run...

  • RE: How to get sequence number?

    Jason Striker said:

    "Is there any way to access/modify a row like a variable? Or does SQL Server have array variables?"

    T-SQL doesn't have array variables and it is not possible...

  • RE: How to get sequence number?

    There is very simple and fast way without using any temporary table or subquery. Steps to implement it:

    1. Alter table to add an additional column for sequence numbers.

    2. Update this...

Viewing 12 posts - 1 through 12 (of 12 total)