Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 18 total)

  • Reply To: Power BI vs SSRS

    Regardless of which one is "better", an important difference between the two products is that SSRS will always come into the house through IT.  PowerBI might come in through the...

  • Reply To: Is CosmosDB the One?

    About Fusion restaurants: it's pretty rare for them to do everything (or even most things) at a master chef level.

    I've never worked with CosmosDB, so I don't speak from experience...

  • Reply To: Holiday Fun for Your Career

    Steve, I did this last year because of your article at this time.  I was just telling a colleague about it this year as I saw that the topic came...

  • Reply To: To-do list: good, bad or indifferent?

    We use JIRA.  It can create Scrum and Kanban boards, so maybe you could call it a PM tool.  Our PMs like it and use it because it gives them...

  • Reply To: How Do You Decide to Rollback?

    I'm with David Poole on this.  Deployments should be small and often.  Don't like the result?  Do another "forward" deployment, never backward.  If deployments are automated and fairly easy, there's...

  • Reply To: No-code Software Engineering

    I think there are two topics here:

    1. Low code / no code development.

    2. Citizen developers.

    As Steve says, there is plenty of mundane, plumbing-type code that should be simplified and "black...

  • Reply To: Every IT Organization is a Snowflake

    In several places I've worked, the business users and IT departments have made the decision to customize commercial software, imparting their own special flavors of it instead of accepting the...

  • Reply To: Imposter or Student

    Skeleton567, for interviews I like the answer "no, but I will be".  It's honest, and shows ambition.  Some employers don't buy it, though.  I think it's their loss.

    There is so...

  • Reply To: The Ease of Containers

    Rod, you're right that containers have a largely Linux following and that Docker (for example) works better there.  There are Windows containers.  I know people who have installed Docker on...

  • Reply To: Stairway to U-SQL Level 2: Breakdown of a U-SQL Statement

    One other small C# vs. T-SQL difference in your example is the zero-based SUBSTRING.  The first character is at position zero, not one.

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 6 months ago by  larry.blake.
  • Reply To: Building Helpful Commit Messages

    Data_Cat, I agree with peter.row about going to Git over TFS.  Since Microsoft now owns GitHub, I expect they will move in that direction and eventually sunset TFS.

  • Reply To: Your User Group Goals

    These mostly seem obvious, but I'll bite.

    1. Pizza
    2. Networking
    3. Learning what new technologies I should consider
    4. Hearing justifications for why my management should (or shouldn't) consider a technology
    5. Understanding my...
  • Reply To: Practice Your Skills with the Advent of Code

    Thanks Steve for pointing out this fun website!  I did several of the problems in C#, which is not a language I use in my day job.  I probably enjoy...

  • Reply To: Location Data Privacy

    I can think of reasons why this data might be useful if sufficiently anonymized.  For example, COVID-19 was detected in an area.  Were there a lot of people passing through...

  • Reply To: Finding Your Own Career

    Agree with Steve, and with pwhoyt about retirement planning.

    One other thing I've learned over the years (unfortunately the hard way) is that a job can end, even if you like...

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 18 total)