Forum Replies Created

Viewing 9 posts - 1 through 9 (of 9 total)

  • RE: CLR stored Procedure Deployment Error

    Why not just encode your stored procedures ?

    Example ;

    create procedure sp_Sample @param1 int



    I am not sure just how "secure" your security needs are here.

    Admittedly, the encryption...

  • RE: Adding Primary key column to existing table


    It would go something like this.

    Step 1

    First, add your new column.

    Alter table TableName add NewCol int default(0) not null

    I think that you must have a not nullable column....

  • RE: Are there equivalents in Oracle Sql ?

    Heh... imagine this... there are some folks that think the FROM clause in an UPDATE is a bad thing.

    I would be interested in hearing any argument(s) as...

  • RE: Are there equivalents in Oracle Sql ?

    Yikes ! In my previous post, some of my Sql shorthand notation ended up a smiley emoticons ! :w00t:

    I did end up solving isue #1. FYI, in Oracle Sql the...

  • RE: Make databasename / schema a variable in select statement

    you could also use sp_executesql.

    like this ;

    declare @sql nvarchar(2000),

    @vars nvarchar(500)


    set @vars = N'@DBNAME...

  • RE: excel to sql

    The way that I've done this successfully in the past was to use the expressions to replace the Excel Filename property with the filename from some variable.

    My observation has...

  • RE: Use Database table to dynamically get the excel filename

    The way that I've done this successfully in the past was to use the expressions to replace the Excel Filename property with the filename from some variable.

    My observation has...

  • RE: LIghter fare - Doh! Querys

    LOL. There is some comfort in knowing that I'm not the only one gets upset about this particular genre of queries.

    It brings up a more serious question. Is it the...

  • RE: Copying data from Excel to SQL Server 2005 DB


    I was actually able to get this to work in SQL2005 as follows ;

    Created a spreadsheet with data like yours, with 2 columns, StdCode and BoardLine1 (field names in 1rst...

Viewing 9 posts - 1 through 9 (of 9 total)