Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 19 total)

  • RE: Rename a SQL Server database

    I run into this a lot. What about the file names (physical and logical)? Say, for example you rename a database to indicate an edition or vintage and you plan...

  • RE: State County City Problem

    Greetings. I would recommend you investigate how the US Census Bureau handles geography. In fact, they already have a comprehensive coding for State/County/Place for the entire US, including areas not...

  • RE: Project Management Management

    I've always seen my role as a technical manager/project manager is to a) understand the goals and specifications of the project, b) translate those into technical needs, and, most importantly,...

  • RE: Snooping

    The snooping issue for DBAs is an extension of the same issue faced by managers and those in HR (Personnel we used to call it) departments. That is, just...

  • RE: The Active DBA

    I try to go to the gym first thing every morning before work - we're lucky to have on-site facilities. Until August, when the summer heat is brutal in...

  • RE: Understanding INNER join in detail

    Finally, someone who puts his money with his mouth. Thank you Mark Weaver. No one disputes that all things being equal a well written and thoroughly checked article is...

  • RE: Understanding INNER join in detail

    I would only point out that like greg.harter I have not been a participant very long (based solely on points) and I would be very hesitant personally to make such...

  • RE: Understanding INNER join in detail

    First, please ignore the arrogance of those participants who presume to comment on the grammar of your article. I wonder how many of them have mastered more than one...

  • RE: Data Rich and Information Poor

    Jay Holovac brings up an excellent point, one that we as data folks ought never to lose sight of. Mainly, just because we can draw inferences and create relationships,...

  • RE: Data Rich and Information Poor

    I don't believe everyone followed your link to the utilities blog that you referenced. The author mentioned a particular aspect of analysis twice that I believe to be important...

  • RE: Who is "the IT guy?"

    How about "database dude"?

    I prefer to call myself a GIS "Chimp". It's a self-effacing thing, you know, keeps me humble.

    To be serious... Just like I don't like the term...

  • RE: Scary Questions

    I can say that in my field (Geographic Information Systems) the DBA role is usually assumed by whomever knows the most about how to make SQL Server (or Oracle) work...

  • RE: Connect to UNC Path with Username Password

    Might seem counterintuitive, but you might build into your script the logic to implement the system command "net use" to set temporarily a drive letter, then use the drive letter...

  • RE: DTS Recurring Job to Export to Excel Fails

    Um, the record set doesn't exceed 64,000 records, does it? Not a security issue but it might create a problem.

    Sorry if not applicable. Just trying to address a...

  • RE: The Lighter Side - Life is like an analogy

    Very nicely done. Well worth perusing. Light-hearted, fun, and spoke to the truth in our work.

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 19 total)