Forum Replies Created

Viewing 8 posts - 1 through 8 (of 8 total)

  • RE: List all tables and their respective information.


    The script has been executed in SQL Server 2008 R2 and it works fine, please try this again eliminated the "ORDER BY DESC COUNT_ROWS".

    Regards. 🙂

    Fernando Casas Osorio
  • RE: List all tables and their respective information.

    Excellent, your script is much more efficient because it has fewer lines and gives the same results.

    Thanks for your input, we are here to help each other. 🙂

    Fernando Casas Osorio
  • RE: Log Growing Pains


    Very good article Jason, I will use it to monitor the growth of the tempdb database.

    I have a question, for my case should only change the line SET @ instanceName...

    Fernando Casas Osorio
  • RE: T-SQL generator for sp_configure

    Hello Rudy,

    Thanks for your answer. I go to publishing your script in mi blog and if necessary I will make some customizations but of course I go to mentioning your...

    Fernando Casas Osorio
  • RE: T-SQL generator for sp_configure

    Thank you ...

    Very good script, I'm currently doing all documentation of my SQL servers (2005 and 2008) and each of the databases that are in them, this code is very...

    Fernando Casas Osorio
  • RE: Delete old backup

    The blog I'm building is still small and it is write in Spanish ... but the idea is growing daily.

    However gladly will I share the link for that those interested...

    Fernando Casas Osorio
  • RE: Delete old backup


    Your script has seemed to me good, although I've made ??some modifications to improve performance, in my case it is not necessary to delete temporary tables at the end of...

    Fernando Casas Osorio
  • RE: Table Information View -- No Cursors!

    Very good script ... I will realize small modifications only to customize it. I ask your permission to publish the amended version on a small blog that I'm building...

    Fernando Casas Osorio

Viewing 8 posts - 1 through 8 (of 8 total)