Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 172 total)

  • RE: Hanging stored procedures

    Hello. Just a quick note that I did find a solution to the problem. Turns out the direct problem is nested stored procedures. The soltuon at: ...

    Everett Wilson

  • RE: Oracle and SQL Server Data Interoperability Issues - Part 1

    There's the strategy of building the string to pass through. If there's a better way I'd sure love to know. Counting tick marks gets old.

    DECLARE @UIDchar(9),


    Set @UID =...

    Everett Wilson

  • RE: Where to build business logic in DB or web service & how ?

    MS Access has one big thing going for it, though. It's used by a lot of people that have no interest in being programmers. A programmer tasked with...

    Everett Wilson

  • RE: Where to build business logic in DB or web service & how ?

    In my OPINION the role of the database has taken a real hit with MS pushing their version of n-tier. Keeping in mind the uppercase word above, if you...

    Everett Wilson

  • RE: Where to build business logic in DB or web service & how ?

    dcpeterson is right again. We're definitely not in oo land.

    Richard I'd suggest he's onto something if load on the server is not an issue and he really can define...

    Everett Wilson

  • RE: Why can a case with a ''''is null'''' check return something else than isnull(?,0) ?

    The second sum doesn't know when dbo.vw_SumContentPack.[Date] is null.

    Try adding to the where clause

    WHERE NOT(dbo.vw_SumContentPack.[Date] IS NULL)

    Everett Wilson

  • RE: Where to build business logic in DB or web service & how ?

    I agree with dcpeterson on there being more than one answer. Where does the strength of the team lie, what channels will be using the business logic layer, can...

    Everett Wilson

  • RE: Intro to Database Mail in SQL 2005

    Actually, if SQLMail is set up use a queuing system the reliability issue can be avoided. After playing around with variuos tests the best solution turned out to...

    Everett Wilson

  • RE: Intro to Database Mail in SQL 2005

    First let me say that the author did a good job of showing the advantages of the new mail system.

    With that said, though, as someone who has fought through SQL...

    Everett Wilson

  • RE: Search DTS for string

    Too cool! I'll hang on to this one.

    The original problem actually never showed up. Too many people complained causing the change to be postponed indefinitely. Yet another...

    Everett Wilson

  • RE: How To Mess Up An Interview

    Yet another classic, glad to know you can insult yourself so well. I guess after that you can say anything you want and the world will understand.


    BTW, weren't most...

    Everett Wilson

  • RE: How To Mess Up An Interview

    That last post at least made me smile as there are a whole lot of truths about writing there but the whole offended thing, come on.

    Maybe it's time to identify...

    Everett Wilson

  • RE: How To Mess Up An Interview

    Classic. I don't care if a person is a gay Christian individual working for the League for Peanut's Rights, that person still doesn't have the right to assume no...

    Everett Wilson

  • RE: How To Mess Up An Interview

    As far as the "that is gay" comment, I interpret that as an example of questionable terminology, not a direct use.

    Well, yeah. Questionable terminology ... just questionable ...

    Everett Wilson

  • RE: How To Mess Up An Interview

    There should be a law against joke articles first thiing Monday morning.

    BTW, it hasn't been said yet so I'll call it. In my world calling something gay is a...

    Everett Wilson

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 172 total)