Forum Replies Created

Viewing 5 posts - 1 through 5 (of 5 total)

  • RE: Linking an Informix server -> Error 7399

    Did you check the following:

    Is the ODBC source a System DSN, not an User DSN? Is the ODBC source on the server machine?


    Hope this helps.



  • RE: Returning a recordset and an output parameter

    You could try to open the recordset in an alternative way:


        g_rsData.Open cmdSubCommand, , adOpenStatic, adLockReadOnly

        Set g_rsData.ActiveConnection = Nothing

        m_lngDataRecordCount = cmdSubCommand.Parameters("@RecordCount")

    This does the trick in my applications.




  • RE: Columns in SP

    If you search for "column gitter", you will find a few scripts that will do what you want. Given a tablename a series of column lists is generated (columns, declarations,...

  • RE: Differential backups as large as actual backup

    I have had a similar problem with a large first transaction log backup. It turned out that, as part of the maintenance plan, there was a rebuild index step just...

  • RE: First transaction log backup as big as full backup

    I found the problem.

    Just prior to the full backup I did a rebuild of the indexes (with the sqlmaint utility). This was the reason for the large transaction log...

Viewing 5 posts - 1 through 5 (of 5 total)