Forum Replies Created

Viewing 6 posts - 16 through 21 (of 21 total)

  • RE: Time Out

    Ok, thanks. Finally it's working.  The problem was with an .dll in VB that had a bad time out value. The solution was to...

  • RE: The process could not bulk copy into table

    I'm using snapshot replications and It happens when the transactions are been replicated to the suscriber



  • RE: The process coul not read the file

    It's fixed, I reconfigured the publisher and the suscriber ansd it's working but now I have a different error.


    The process could not bulk copy into table XXXXX

    I have others publications...

  • RE: CReate a Database using datafiles

    Upsss, I find a way to do that. I'm using sp_attach_db and It´s working. I have the database online.

    Thanks anyway

  • RE: Sa Profile

    Ok, thanks a lot for your help.

  • RE: Sa Profile

    Yes I want to know how many users in data bases are login in with sa role, some visual basic development are running and connecting to sql server and I...

Viewing 6 posts - 16 through 21 (of 21 total)