Sa Profile

  • Hi everyone, I'm new in sql server and i need How can I get all users that has sa profile?, I want to know in different Sql Servers data bases the users with sa profile.

    Thanks a lot.









  • If you are talking about the sa or System Admin role, then run this proc in query analyzer: sp_helpsrvrolemember


    Hope this helps,


    Aunt Kathi Data Platform MVP
    Author of Expert T-SQL Window Functions
    Simple-Talk Editor

  • Yes I want to know how many users in data bases are login in with sa role, some visual basic development are running and connecting to sql server and I worried if they are using the sa role.



  • OK, now I understand.  Here is a stored proc that you can use to watch for sa or any other account.  I created a new database for the two tables and the proc, and then set up a job to run the proc.  You may want to modify this for your use.  It doesn't save duplicates.


    CREATE  procedure usp_FindAccountUse @account varchar(20), @systemDBs char(1)= 'N' as


    -- Proc: usp_FindAccountUse

    -- Author: Kathi Kellenberger

    -- Created: 1/20/04

    -- Purpose: Use to keep track of the use of an account.

    -- Parameters:

    --  @account -- the account to track

    --  @systemDBs -- 'Y' if want to track system db use

    --       'N' (the default) if don't want to track

    -- Notes:

    -- Requires two tables

    -- create table save_who (spid int, ecid int, status varchar(30),

    --                        loginname varchar(20), hostname varchar(20),

    --                        blk int, dbname varchar(40), cmd varchar(16),

    --        recorded dateTime)

    -- create table temp_who (spid int, ecid int, status varchar(30),

    --                        loginname varchar(20), hostname varchar(20),

    --                        blk int, dbname varchar(40), cmd varchar(16))


     print 'delete old work table'

     delete from temp_who where loginname = @account


     print 'save results of sp_who into work table'

     insert into temp_who exec sp_who

     print 'insert new records into save_who'

     if @systemDBs = 'N'


       print 'inserting all records except for system dbs'

       insert into save_who (spid, ecid, status, loginname, hostname, blk, dbname, cmd, recordKey)

       select *, convert(varchar,spid) + '-' + loginname + '-' + hostname + '-' + isnull(dbname,'none')

       from temp_who

       where convert(varchar,spid) + '-' + loginname + '-' + hostname + '-' + isnull(dbname,'none') not in (select isnull(recordKey,'') from save_who)

       and loginname = @account

       and dbname not in ('master','msdb')




       print 'inserting all records'

       insert into save_who (spid, ecid, status, loginname, hostname, blk, dbname, cmd, recordKey)

       select *, convert(varchar,spid) + '-' + loginname + '-' + hostname + '-' + isnull(dbname,'none')

       from temp_who

       where convert(varchar,spid) + '-' + loginname + '-' + hostname + '-' + isnull(dbname,'none') not in (select isnull(recordKey,'') from save_who)

       and loginname = @account





    Aunt Kathi Data Platform MVP
    Author of Expert T-SQL Window Functions
    Simple-Talk Editor

  • Ok, thanks a lot for your help.

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