Forum Replies Created

Viewing 6 posts - 1 through 6 (of 6 total)

  • RE: Returned value of a stored prcedure

    Thanks for the replies people. I will crawl back under my stone from whence I came. I wrote the sproc. I'll just sleep on it and look afresh in the...

  • RE: Returned value of a stored prcedure

    Yepp It's a basic insert into. I am sure there's something screwy about it. Just being lazy I am sure I'll figure it out. And like always once the light...

  • RE: The Worst Comments

    Guilty as charged!

    ---show output

    select * from #output_2

    This is one of my comment. I knew I'd done something somewhere. And to be honest I do this all the time. However may...

  • RE: Copy Data Base

    With regards to doing .bak and restores for certain activities although I agree is a quick and fast option isn't always the way to go.

    I concur that doing this...

  • RE: Copy Data Base

    In my humblest of opinions.

    Have you thought of using the SSIS "Transfer SQL Server Object Task"?

    I have used this option recently. It's slower that just doing a backup and restore...

  • RE: SSIS Transfer Object Task

    I am aware this is an old post but thought I'd share my findings.

    Each database does appear to need the same compatibility level. If you go to both databases using...

Viewing 6 posts - 1 through 6 (of 6 total)