Forum Replies Created

Viewing 11 posts - 16 through 26 (of 26 total)

  • RE: Ratio SSRS report

    You could add a field to your dataset either in your report or before it comes to the report & make it a varchar made up of your value +...

  • RE: Ratio SSRS report

    Just to check I'm on your page here..

    Do you mean: you have a graph with data labels and you want the data labels to show [value]:1 ?

    Have you tried this...

  • RE: Multiple Parameter Values


    Ok So we have it like this...

    @Param1 - multiple values

    @Param2 - multiple values

    @Param3 - multiple values

    @Param4 - multiple values

    Do they all feed into a single dataset or is it 4...

  • RE: Multiple Parameter Values

    I think i'm catching on now.

    So that SQL is the dataset used for your parameter?

    Ok, so what does the query that uses the parameter look like?

    it should be something like...

  • RE: footnote by param

    Use an iif statement in the textbox's visibility expression.

    something along the lines of


    =iif(@hideParam = 1, True,False)

    make sense?

  • RE: Show a blank space in the line chart when data is not available

    Its fairly easy in SSRS 2008 R2.

    You can set the X axis as a date range and get it to display all dates regardless of any data. SSRS 2008 its...

  • RE: Multiple Parameter Values


    I'm not sure I follow here - are the text parts in your SELECT's meant to be the parameters?

    Because the SQL you posted will just output the below with no...

  • RE: Default in data source credentials

    if your shared datasource is set to "windows security" you shouldnt get the prompt. I take it this isnt an option though? I assume your datasource should use the credentials...

  • RE: windows stored credentials ?


    Not sure I follow you 100% so I'll suggest something but feel free to provide more info or correct me.

    Ok, so I'd suggest you use your existing AD Group (COMP\reportwriters)....

  • RE: Email read receipt option?


    Not sure this will be much help to you..but..

    There's no way to do this out the box I'm afraid. Assuming I have your intentions right, here is how I'd do...

  • RE: Trans Log Backup fails after Full backup on seperate device.


    Thanks for the reply. I'll check out the scripts as I was also worried about the single file issue here.

    Some of the grooming jobs do change the recovery model which...

Viewing 11 posts - 16 through 26 (of 26 total)