Forum Replies Created

Viewing 9 posts - 1 through 9 (of 9 total)

  • RE: Create/write to an Excel 2007/2010 spreadsheet from an SSIS package

    How do you get EPPlus.dll installed in GAC on windows server 2008 R2 without GACUTIL or Win SDK?

  • RE: Problem with update statement


    I am trying to understand why SQL Server is updating records using two different rows? My thinking was in any case it gets all columns updated from one row.

  • RE: Problem with update statement

    you can check this more real example too.

    create table #Data


    COMPANY int,


    SALARY int


    create table #Random


    Random_COMPANY int,


    Random_SALARY int


    insert into #Data (COMPANY, NAME) values (1, 'ABC' )

    insert into #Data...

  • RE: Problem with update statement

    Source Table1




    Destination Table before update



    Expected Destination Table after update - Option 1



    Expected Destination Table after update - Option 2



    Destination Table after update - Real Output


    113<-- This should be null

  • RE: Performance difference by using NVARCHAR instead of using VARCHAR

    BOB: Are you saying that you can at this moment change from nvarchar back to varchar and see the performance degrade, even if you run the stored procedure with the...

  • RE: Performance difference by using NVARCHAR instead of using VARCHAR

    I have checked execution plan. It is same for NVARCHAR and VARCHAR.

    I tried on three different servers. and on all three servers I am getting same perfromance.

    I am also surprised...

  • RE: Comparing Table Variables with Temporary Tables

    Very Nice Article.

    I have one doubt about table variable.

    Inside one of my SP, I am storing values in table variable to loop through the records.

    If number of records inserted in...

  • RE: Why Cursor is Slower?

    Thanks for the reply. I was confused by reading so many forums for cursor, which has many different explanation for cursor. I got the answer why cursor is slow. It...

  • RE: Why Cursor is Slower?

    @Gila Monster:

    You said that cursor is working iteratively, My Question is that table variable is also works on iteration. so why only cursor is slow? and not table variable.

Viewing 9 posts - 1 through 9 (of 9 total)