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Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 15 total)

  • RE: How Improve Linked Server Perfromance??

    It all depends what you want and how your people have used the system.

    I'm no IEX expert, only pull data from it, what we have works but might be different...

  • RE: Can I concat a varchar column on a group by clause

    nice, knew there was a better way, just couldn't remember it (ORACLE has been LIFOing my SQL Server ATM)

    However you did forget the ',' so

    select @retstr = @retstr + case...

  • RE: Can I concat a varchar column on a group by clause

    Try something like this, you'll obviously have to change table names and column names but it should do what you want.

    It also will only return a max of 1000 characters...

  • RE: Can I concat a varchar column on a group by clause

    Another option is to write a function (that you pass XX and YY to) that returns a comma delimited list of the distinct STR_DATA values in 'C'.

    You can then call...

  • RE: Can I concat a varchar column on a group by clause

    Easy answer, of course you can group by the STR_DATA column, this will have the effect of returning the rows aggregated by XX-YY AND the distinct values in the STR_DATA...

  • RE: How Improve Linked Server Perfromance??

    must be talking to myself on this thread!!

    I have found a solution. Apparently their is a bug with the SET FMTONLY ON statement.

    see here

    This has the effect that any conditional...

  • RE: How Improve Linked Server Perfromance??

    OK, i have got around the performance problem by using pass through queries using OPENQUERY. What I have done is create an sp on the database that builds a dynamic...

  • RE: Eliminating Cursors

    Yeah, thanks for that, cleared a few things up for me's amazing what can be learnt by a simple little question..



  • RE: Eliminating Cursors

    Another question that comes to mind is that all of the cursor based approaches use the following logic

    open cursor

    fetch next from cursor into ....

    while @@fetch_status = 0 begin



  • RE: Eliminating Cursors

    Nice code but to compare the two you must use the same method.

    The first part (where a cursor is slow) you insert each row into the table, one at a...

  • RE: Eliminating Cursors

    Valid points all but it doesn't get to the crux of my question in that where do people get the idea that cursors are bad.

    I know I am from an...

  • RE: Eliminating Cursors

    Ah yes, because the cursor is non-static it would have to check for updates to its data before the next fetch.

    If the sp is updating the data the cursor uses...

  • RE: Eliminating Cursors

    I can't understand, where has this hate of cursors come from. Is it a general DBA thing or something else.

    I would have thought that using a cursor/recordset would be...

  • RE: Eliminating Cursors

    Sorry, are you saying that cursors are the best option or loading into a table variable and then iterating through it is the best option.....

  • RE: Eliminating Cursors

    Just a few code corrections (being pedantic), the insert won't work unless you provide the list of columns that you want to insert into....


Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 15 total)