Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 18 total)

  • RE: Transaction Handling

    wow, I think this is the first question I asked on the board that didn't generate a quick reply.

    Is my question confusing? Or is there some reason nobody uses transactions...

  • RE: Joing spatial data from two tables

    ok, that's definately stuff I want to keep an eye on.

    at first I'd say most intense queries would be intercept checks, and that would return on average between 5 and...

  • RE: Joing spatial data from two tables

    thanks, I think your right about sticking them in one table...I'm just so use to normalizing stuff out that I always try to put different things in different tables.

    The point...

  • RE: Joing spatial data from two tables

    Haven't created any spatial indexes yet.

    Maybe I don't need to overlay them now th I think about it.

    For example, say I have 100 X 100 grid, with 10X10 polygons so...

  • RE: Question on Nolock UDF

    yeah, i'd love to duplicate a bad execution, the problem is I can't duplicate it. It just happens to users once in awhile. For instance the procedures in...

  • RE: Question on Nolock UDF

    I definately appreciate grant's commentary on the dangers of these table hints, but I guess I don't see how they could be an issue in my situation. Dirty data...

  • RE: Question on Nolock UDF

    I realize the data will be dirty, and it's ok since the data is merely being used for a report to the user, not in any actual transactions or calculations.


  • RE: Return row values as columns

    I'm sure someone smarter then me may come along with a good recommendation, but I think what your asking for is to pivot the table. Check this article...

  • RE: Newb needs help getting the sum of columns from multiple tables

    cool, I got it working, thanks guys.

  • RE: Combine 2 Text Fields??

    I may be misunderstanding your question....but wouldn't it just be

    Declare newText as varchar(1000)


    SET newText = Field1 + Field2



    INSERT INTO otherTable




    I'm a newb myself, so I may be way...

  • RE: Simple question on searching for any int?

    I'm sorry, yes that's exactly what I'm doing. I'm passing in a status value to a stored procedure as a parameter, and it's being compared to a column...

  • RE: Simple question on searching for any int?

    I don't really need to search it as a string...I just have a table that has a column "Status" and the status is an int based value. I...

  • RE: Probably an easy one, need help with a Where clause

    Ok I think I figured out what I need...

    @Inst_ID int,

    @Status char(1)




    SUM(InventoryService.FinalCost) As TotalCost

    FROM Inventory

    LEFT JOIN InventoryService ON Inventory.Inventory_ID = InventoryService.Inventory_ID


    Inventory.Inst_ID = @Inst_ID AND

    Inventory.Status LIKE @Status

    GROUP BY Inventory.Car, Inventory.StockNumber

    HAVING SUM(InventoryService.Finalcost)...

  • RE: Probably simple but maybe not? need help with a select statment

    Thanks for the recommendations, I see my problem with some of my earlier ideas was that I wasn't using brackets correctly.

    I like the idea of evaluating the passed...

  • RE: Update the 3 oldest records?

    wrong forum... but here is the answer, it uses some 2005 functionality though with the rownumber and over statements

    I need UPDLOCK and READPAST hints together. As explained here


    So my statement...

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 18 total)