Forum Replies Created

Viewing 8 posts - 1 through 8 (of 8 total)

  • RE: Help with remote query

    I seemed to have got this working again now. I decided to change the collations used in the query so that the collation SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS was used. This is the collation...

  • RE: Help with remote query

    I have the sysadmin server role so there shouldb't be any permission issues with the temp tables. I don't really want to create proper tables for this as that seems...

  • RE: Incorrect Data in Report

    Jack Corbett (1/26/2010)

    So RoomCode was incorrect, but Floor was correct? Are you sure everything else is the same in each row and that the sort order is just different?...

  • RE: Incorrect Data in Report

    Have a look at the function dbo.FloorFromRoom in different db's on the same server.

    I can't see anything which would have caused an issue. The function itself is quite simple.


  • RE: Incorrect Data in Report

    dave.repton (1/26/2010)

    is the entereddata an actual data time or just a date ??

    This could be a reason for the difference but would need to see exactly what was being passed...

  • RE: Incorrect Data in Report

    In this proc it was RoomCode which contained incorrect data in Visual Studio. Running the proc in Management Studio gave the correct data.

    The same parameters were used in both...

  • RE: Incorrect Data in Report

    Heres the code of one of the stored procs that has been subject to this problem.

    ALTER PROCEDURE [reports].[spTimetablingEventData]

    @EnteredDateFrom as char(10),

    @EnteredDateTo as char(10),

    @EventTypeCode as varchar(3),

    @BookedForCode as varchar(12),

    @BookedByMSTCode as varchar(12),

    @ActivityCode as varchar(12),


  • RE: Formating text expression bold, normal

    jgarcinuno (1/22/2010)

    Please Help me, does any one know how I can do this, I need to work in a report using Report services 2008. I have a text box with...

Viewing 8 posts - 1 through 8 (of 8 total)