Forum Replies Created

Viewing 6 posts - 1 through 6 (of 6 total)

  • RE: Competition or Cooperation

    "We need talented coders to solve tough problems, and we need average programmers to tackle mundane tasks. Both are necessary (along with many other roles) to ensure success of a...

  • RE: Use Tools

    Thank you for the firsthand insight.

    New to the software industry and working in marketing for a reporting software company that increases efficiencies, which really is the gist for most...

  • RE: Attracting Talent

    Believe I have the other problem. Windward is a great place to work but reading through our website, you wouldn't guess this.

    I've been tasked with beefing up our...

  • RE: The Good Job

    It's been said that some live to work while others work to live.

    Not saying that I've achieved that as of yet, but really liking where I work, being appreciated...

  • RE: Pop Tarts and Hurricanes

    Love this post! As a business user it is a fabulous experience when all of the data points to something never thought of, never marketed, and never expected.

    Thank you SQL...

  • RE: Reporting Software for SQL, Oracle and MySQL

    Sounds like you are starting small and complex and growing to big and complex.

    On top of the other reporting software packages that have been mentioned, I'd recommend Windward Reports....

Viewing 6 posts - 1 through 6 (of 6 total)