Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 120 total)

  • Reply To: Backup Encryption

    Thank you.

    Everything Working Fine now.

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 3 months ago by  adisql.
    • This reply was modified 2 years, 3 months ago by  adisql.
  • Reply To: Backup Encryption

    Thank you.

  • Reply To: Faster Retstore options.

    Thank you for your Response Jeff Moden!

  • Reply To: db mail

    here is my script for Dbmail.



    --SET @S = 'Data for '+CONVERT(VARCHAR(12),GETDATE(),107)


    @S VARCHAR(max),

    @query_result_separator CHAR(09),

    @query_result_width SMALLINT,

    @Qry2 VARCHAR(2048)


    SET @query_result_separator =...

  • Reply To: update NULL to Blank for Dynamic fileds

    example data.


  • Reply To: update NULL to Blank for Dynamic fileds

    I mean columns. Blank means Empty strings. All columns are strings.

  • Reply To: CU

    Thank you.

  • Reply To: Len

    Thank you.

  • Reply To: Len

    Only two columns for ID.

    if the len(id) = 14 then it should be in ID1 otherwise it should be in ID2.

  • Reply To: Len

    Thank you.

    But i would like to use the function "len".

    if the len(id) = 14 then it should be in ID1 otherwise it should be in ID2.

    Can we achieve it ?

  • Reply To: Len

    I would like to display the result in single row  like below .

    FirstName LastName                 ID1                 ...

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 5 months ago by  adisql.
    • This reply was modified 3 years, 5 months ago by  adisql.
  • Reply To: Trigger on View

    We have to transfer the data to other system in real time.

    The other table resides in oracle database.

    So first I am testing with sql table  if it works then I...

  • Reply To: Trigger on View

    Thank you Rick.I totally understand your explanation.

    We have some agreement restrictions for not to create trigger on Table.

    So I am  trying to create trigger on view.

    When ever cardnumber insert into...

  • Reply To: Trigger on View

    Thank you Rick!!

    Yes , It is working.

    But my actual goal is , if the record insert into the underlying table then same record will be insert into the other table.


  • Reply To: create trigger on view

    Actual my requirement is , if new record insert in sql table then it will be copy over to oracle databse table.

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 120 total)