Forum Replies Created

Viewing 6 posts - 1 through 6 (of 6 total)

  • RE: genereting rowNumber in select

    -- Try this.

    use pubs

    Select RowNumber = Count(ut1.pub_id)

    ,ut1.pub_id, ut1.pub_name, ut1.[city]

    From dbo.publishers ut1 With (nolock),dbo.publishers ut2 With (nolock)

    Where ut1.pub_id > ut2.pub_id

    Group By ut1.pub_id, ut1.pub_name, ut1.[city]

    Order By 1

    Tin Le

  • RE: genereting rowNumber in select

    -- Try this.

    use pubs

    Select RowNumber = Count(ut1.pub_id)

    ,ut1.pub_id, ut1.pub_name, ut1.[city]

    From dbo.publishers ut1 With (nolock),dbo.publishers ut2 With (nolock)

    Where ut1.pub_id > ut2.pub_id

    Group By ut1.pub_id, ut1.pub_name, ut1.[city]

    Order By 1

    Tin Le

  • RE: How to capture errors in Stored Procedures

    /*create procedure spTestError



      select * from sysfiles


      -- this will fail when called 2nd time

      select * into DummyTable from sysfiles



    You do not have a return value here.


    Must be...

    Tin Le

  • RE: How to Query a missing record from a table?

    I have noway of knowing your name, but anyway, your solution is perpect and it work exactly what I always have wanted.

    Again, With the references and scripts you all offered,...

    Tin Le

  • RE: How to Query a missing record from a table?

    Thank you very much Good Hunting,

    I really appreciate your opinion, and I value it. And I must say that your opinion very helpful.

    Thank you again.

    Yes, I did have a table...

    Tin Le

  • RE: How to exit the stored procedure imdiatly?

    First, thank you very much for your prompt answer. I am really appreciated that.

    I already have implemented a job to monitor the process using time control as what you have...

    Tin Le

Viewing 6 posts - 1 through 6 (of 6 total)