Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 43 total)

  • RE: error: Task DTSTask_DTSDataPumpTask_2 was not found


    My guess is that the DTSTask_DTSDataPumpTask_2 no longer exists but that it got replaced with another datapump task with a different system assigned name.

    You can find the system assigned names...

  • RE: Live or Memorex?

    I kind of like the presenter actually working the product. If their product is really buggy, they can make it look perfect if they pre-record everything.

    Also, aside from the schaudenfreuda aspect of watching...

  • RE: Double-Take

    I make it a rule to NEVER EVER respond to unsolicited emails or phone calls. If someone calls me at home and it is not one of my friends, I...

  • RE: Transfer Visual FoxPro database into Ms SQL 2005 (newbie)


    I import some foxpro data daily but it is from foxpro 2.6 so maybe some issues I have may not exist any longer so you will need to verify against...

  • RE: How to Translate UTC dates to local Dates?


    Here is a function I wrote to convert from UTC to CentralTime.

    It was never fully tested since they abandoned the process so you will need to verify anything you use....

  • RE: DTS in Stored Procedures


    I'm about guessed out.

    You may be forced to get responses from the smart subscribers.

    Is using those sp_Oaxxxx procedures yall's standard way of execting DTS packages or are you the...

  • RE: DTS in Stored Procedures

    Me again.

    My other inkling is the same as Eric who posted the initial reply. Might be a rights issue. Is that sqltest an SA account? Copying from BooksOnLine:


    Only members...

  • RE: DTS in Stored Procedures

    I've never used any of those sp_OaXXX. I need to play with them sometime.

    Can you get any log information that might point the the internal error? Either creating a log file from...

  • RE: DTS in Stored Procedures



    I'm not sure this next stuff will help with your problem but I have had unexpected results when trying to load files into SQLServer tables in the past. After much pulling...

  • RE: Gradebook Calculation Methods


    This is actually non-responsive to your question.

    As an ex teacher, I urge caution creating any grade book that will be used by the other faculty. Not to be the...

  • RE: Best way to identify the first SAT of a month


    I keep trying to find someone to give this to because I spent a fair amout of time on it; only to find out someone up the chain was handling the...

  • RE: datetime - UTC - datetime


    I played with the UTC part or your question a while back. The problem I found was that getutcdate() function really only worked for the here and now. If you gave it...

  • RE: SQL Server does not exist or access denied. [SQLSTATE 42000] (Error 17). The step failed.


    Maybe it's not the SQLServer you are being denied access to but rather the table you are trying to access.

    Check the owner of the tables in question. I have gotten...

  • RE: trying to import data from foxpro database

    Ok, that officially mad me mad.

    For the second time in two days, I had typed a pretty long reply and when I hit post, it went into another world. That...

  • RE: trying to import data from foxpro database

    Remi is exactly right.

    Make that dos column a char column.

    You will probably have to fiddle with the dates to get them to work just right. In my examples, my dates...

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 43 total)