Forum Replies Created

Viewing 8 posts - 1 through 8 (of 8 total)

  • RE: Change formatting on cursor hover

    Thanks for your help. I didn't think that it was possible but just wanted to be sure. I settled for a tool-tip and user training.

  • RE: Conditional Borders for Empty Cells

    Forum Newbie

    I am having the same problem and would like to hear in more detail, how you were able to populate every matrix cell. How did you build your...

  • RE: Help with Delete Statement

    Great idea. I'll take care of it. Thanks for everyone's help.

  • RE: Help with Delete Statement

    Thanks for your quick response. There was a trigger on the table that was giving me the error. I disabled it and now it works.

  • RE: Table filter not working

    Thank you very much for your quick and helpful replies. I'm set.

  • RE: Table filter not working

    Thank you for your reply. Unfortunately it didn't work. I decided to include the empid in the dataset and filter on that and now it is working. ...

  • RE: Help with Correlated Subquery

    Thanks!  FOR XML PATH is exactly what I was looking for.  Here is the new solution using FOR XML PATH rather than the user defined function.

    select count(CustomerId) as...

  • RE: Help with Correlated Subquery

    Thank you very much for your reply.  The explanation helps.  I knew that there wasn't a concatenating aggregate, which is why I wrote the function, but I thought that I...

Viewing 8 posts - 1 through 8 (of 8 total)