Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 16 through 30 (of 35 total)

  • RE: How to sum values between multiple fields?

    The solution for such problems is obtained by using the aggreggate functions.

    The required results can be obtainted by writing the query as below:


    select id,total=sum(a+b,c)  from table group by id


    Kindest Regards,

    Sureshkumar Ramakrishnan

  • RE: Delete duplicate values without using the PK in a single query.

    There are different ways which you can use to delete duplicate values from a table.

    If the data in your table is not huge .You could use the steps discussed in...

    Kindest Regards,

    Sureshkumar Ramakrishnan

  • RE: Executing SQL Server Jobs From An External Scheduler

    Control-M batch scheduler is a enterprise batch management solution that is used to run and mantain external jobs .

    This is a product developed by BMC Software .

    Kindest Regards,

    Sureshkumar Ramakrishnan

  • RE: Does SQL have something like INSTR

    alternatively u can use the substring function to get the strings

    Kindest Regards,

    Sureshkumar Ramakrishnan

  • RE: How to hide the Columns in the View?

    Hi Amie,

    You can restrict the columns available to the user by granting select permissions only on the column of the view to the user.



    Grant select on xyzview(empid,empname) to abcuser


    Hope this...

    Kindest Regards,

    Sureshkumar Ramakrishnan

  • RE: cycles or multiple cascade error

    I dont there should be any problem for you getting the resultset .

    Sample query ....

    select * from emp e (nolock)

    inner join room b (nolock) on

    e.emproomno=b.roomno inner join

    device d...

    Kindest Regards,

    Sureshkumar Ramakrishnan

  • RE: Table Name as Parameter

    This can be done but the query generated will be dynamic and has to be exceuted using the Execute Command

    for eg:

    if you want to retrieve the count from a...

    Kindest Regards,

    Sureshkumar Ramakrishnan

  • RE: Data Encryption

    Iam afraid any such solution is inbuilt in SQL server.

    I would suggest that you can create a User defined function for encrypting and decrypting the data .

    Kindest Regards,

    Sureshkumar Ramakrishnan

  • RE: Checking for Nulls ina SP

    Very Simple Just change the Statement from


    IF @intGWFSSeqNbr = NULL


    IF @intGWFSSeqNbr IS  NULL

    This will work for you.

    Do let me know if you have any further queries

    Kindest Regards,

    Sureshkumar Ramakrishnan

  • RE: Deleting Duplicate Records

    Yeah I totally agree with SQL does things better than what Oracle does.My article is aimed at novice SQL developers who can find the script very convinent in situations wherein...

    Kindest Regards,

    Sureshkumar Ramakrishnan

  • RE: How to!

    SQL doesnot allow you to use derived column names in the where clause.

    You will have to repeat the formula in the where clause

    Kindest Regards,

    Sureshkumar Ramakrishnan

  • RE: How do I read package transformations?

    Can you please let me know what information you are looking into.

    If you need the column information for a table you can obtain the same from the SYSCOLUMNS system table.


    Kindest Regards,

    Sureshkumar Ramakrishnan

  • RE: Need help with ADO Connection

    I believe leaving the connection object open till the end is a good idea.

    Once all the processes is done set connection to nothing so that the connection is destroyed .

    Kindest Regards,

    Sureshkumar Ramakrishnan

  • RE: Query Problem

    Hi ,

    The solution for your problem could be obtainted by the query below :

    select ,a.first_name from

    table2 a



    and not in (select id from

    table2 where and...

    Kindest Regards,

    Sureshkumar Ramakrishnan

  • RE: Select from 2 databases

    It would always be beneficial to use stored procedures.

    In case when you have two databases A and B residing on the same server.

    Lets consider we have Employee table on Database...

    Kindest Regards,

    Sureshkumar Ramakrishnan

Viewing 15 posts - 16 through 30 (of 35 total)