Deleting Duplicate Records

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    Kindest Regards,

    Sureshkumar Ramakrishnan

  • Quite helpful

  • excellent & helpful script

  • Clue: Anyone who begins by thinking "SQL Server doesn't have what Oracle has" is going to arrive at a solution that fails to make best use of SQL Server.  Simply add a column of datatype int and set the identity property to "Yes (not for replication)" and all the existing rows in the table will be given a row identifier.


    create table test (name varchar(10))

    insert into test values ('Kate')

    insert into test values ('Kate')

    insert into test values ('Sue')

    -- Enterprise Manager is the easiest way to add a column, so add column ID using EM.  Datatype is int and property

    create view testUniqueID as select name, min(Id) as minID

    from test

    group by name

    delete test

    from testuniqueID join test


    where testuniqueID.minID <

    drop table test

    drop view testUniqueID


    Lesson: SQL Server does have a row identifier.  It stays out of the way unless you need it.  Anything Oracle does, SQL Server does more elegantly.

    "Look, those sheep have been shorn."
    data analyst replies, "On the sides that we can see.."

  • Didn't find this very helpful.

    For very large tables, the cursor approach would be dreadfully slow.

    There are other techniques that exist, such as using duplicate indexes with IGNORE_DUP_KEY option that would be better for very large tables.


  • Yeah I totally agree with SQL does things better than what Oracle does.My article is aimed at novice SQL developers who can find the script very convinent in situations wherein the data in a table is not very large and they can do data cleansing easily .





    Kindest Regards,

    Sureshkumar Ramakrishnan

  • I thought the information was helpful as providing an example.  As to the performance, I try to look for ways to performing row oriented operations without cursors.  I would try to use new @table variable declaration instead for SQL 2000  and a temp table in 7.0.

    Thanks for the the article

  • Would it be just easier to save duplicated records in temp table where we have only 1 records for all duplicated records, then to delete all duplicated records in one shot from the original table and then insert records from the temp. table without any cursor?

  • set nocount on

    /* Script for Creation of Employee Table*/

    CREATE TABLE [dbo].[#Employee] (

                [id] [int] NULL ,

                [name] [Varchar] (50)  NULL ,

                [salary] [Numeric](18, 2) NULL

    &nbsp ON [PRIMARY]




    /* Script for Insertion of duplicate records to the Table */

    Insert into #employee values (1,'Ram', 1000.00)

    Insert into #employee values (1,'Ram', 1000.00)

    Insert into #employee values (2,'Joe', 2000.00)

    Insert into #employee values (2,'Joe', 1000.00)

    Insert into #employee values (3,'Mary', 1000.00)

    Insert into #employee values (4,'Julie', 5000.00)

    Insert into #employee values (2,'Joe', 1000.00)

    Insert into #employee values (1,'Ram', 1000.00)

    select id,name,salary into #temp from #employee

    group by id,name,salary

    having count(*)>1

    delete from e

    from #employee e

      inner join #temp t on and and e.salary=t.salary

    insert into #employee

    select * from #temp

    select * from #employee

    drop table #Employee

    drop table #temp

  • The best way of dealing with duplicates is to avoid them in the first place!  Design your databases right and you don't have to worry about it.  There is no logically sound reason to allow duplicates.

    If you find yourself in a situation (not of your own making, of course) where you have to deal with them, I have found this method helpful:

    CREATE TABLE dupes (col1 int, col2 int)


    INSERT INTO dupes VALUES (1,1)

    INSERT INTO dupes VALUES (1,1)

    INSERT INTO dupes VALUES (1,1)

    INSERT INTO dupes VALUES (2,2)

    INSERT INTO dupes VALUES (2,2)

    INSERT INTO dupes VALUES (2,2)

    INSERT INTO dupes VALUES (2,2)


    CREATE TABLE nodupes (col1 int, col2 int)



    ON nodupes(col1, col2)



    INSERT INTO nodupes

    SELECT * FROM dupes


    SELECT * FROM nodupes

    This gives you the safety of being able to do some "sanity checks" before actually modifying data, and it generally performs much better than cursor based methods.


    If most people are not willing to see the difficulty, this is mainly because, consciously or unconsciously, they assume that it will be they who will settle these questions for the others, and because they are convinced of their own capacity to do this. -Friedrich August von Hayek


  • How does such bad design and missing constraint get into Dbs that allow duplicates to get into databases in the first place?  Heard of Primary Keys (oh, some people make IDs as PKs for all tables where naturalkeys make sense, tsk tsk), heard of constraints and triggers (in SQL at least).  There is no reason to have to use these duplicate deletion scripts.  Design tables with proper PKs and constraints and use triggers.


  • Lots of data exists in the world outside real (that is, normalized and managed by a DBMS) databases.  The big ETL (extract, transform, load) task is to load this messy data into your database.  I love this work and never have to write a program or a cursor thanks to DTS and to my progammer's editor Epsilon, which can load and edit huge files.

    "Look, those sheep have been shorn."
    data analyst replies, "On the sides that we can see.."

  • SQL was good but too long

    Do One thing

    • Select ID, NAME, SALARY into #TableName from TableName Group by ID, NAME, SALARY
    • Delete From TABLENAME

    This is 3 Line SQL Make a Program & EXECUTE it.

    Ashish Bajpai

    Ashish Bajpai


    NCR Corpration, Mumbai

    [91] - 9324 959982

  • This does the same thing, simplier and NO CURSORS.  If it can be done without a cursor, than much better. 

    CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Employee] (

                [id] [int] NULL ,

                [name] [Varchar] (50) COLLATE Latin1_General_CI_AS NULL ,

                [salary] [Numeric](18, 2) NULL

    &nbsp ON [PRIMARY]




    /* Script for Insertion of duplicate records to the Table */

    Insert into employee values (1,'Ram', 1000.00)

    Insert into employee values (1,'Ram', 1000.00)

    Insert into employee values (2,'Joe', 2000.00)

    Insert into employee values (2,'Joe', 1000.00)

    Insert into employee values (3,'Mary', 1000.00)

    Insert into employee values (4,'Julie', 5000.00)

    Insert into employee values (2,'Joe', 1000.00)

    Insert into employee values (1,'Ram', 1000.00)



    Select [id], [name], [salary]

    INTO #MakeUnique

    FROM employee

    GROUP BY [id], [name], [salary]

    DELETE FROM employee  

    INSERT INTO employee( [id], [name], [salary] )

    SELECT [id], [name], [salary] FROM #MakeUnique



    SELECT * FROM employee

    DROP TABLE #MakeUnique

    DROP TABLE employee


  • Yes very very bad, really a NO DESIGN table.  Believe or not, I had to deal with NO UNIQUE CONSTRAINT Tables, these BAD Designs with Commercial Enterprise systems.

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