Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 46 through 60 (of 62 total)

  • RE: DR Plan ...

    Hi..the following depends on how your network is configured/managed. I'm also assuming that you have log shipping set-up and running ok and just need to know a way to cut over....

  • RE: how tu run agent with cmd commmand

    With netsvc you can run the command remotely from another machine, and get the option just to see the status.  Good for routine check scripts

  • RE: how tu run agent with cmd commmand

    If you can get netsvc (comes with NT reskit I think), you can...

    NETSVC "SQLServerAgent" \\servername /start    <use stop to stop and query for status>


  • RE: Data Move in FileGroup

    If you don't want to have to re-script and your maintenance slot allows, you could do via Ent Mgr.  Right click on table, select design, select the 'manage relationships' icon...

  • RE: AWE Enable

    Have been researching this a little myself too and was under the impression you needed SQL Server Ent Edition to use AWE. 

    Are you using Ent Edition ? Have you...

  • RE: SQL Profiler

    Hi, have had similar problems and used the option where database name 'not like' as opposed to 'like' and listed all the others.  Depends how many you have I guess...long...

  • RE: How to... Change a Filegroup for an Existing Table

    Cant use alter table or anything simple. I assume you know you can do it via design table in Ent Mgr

  • RE: SQL EM Lost my Server List

    Sorry to tag on to your note, but where is the Ent Mgr Reg list in the registry...thanks

  • RE: Tables on certain filegroups

    This might help a little although its a first stab and needs a bit of attention !

    select as 'Object Name', as 'Related Table Name',

    sysfilegroups.groupname as 'Filegroup'

    from sysindexes

    join sysfilegroups


  • RE: Backup database/cube

    Not entirely sure, not used msmdrep to recover. Assume backup msmdrep at same time as cube files so restore them all to same point in time. Although this will...

  • RE: Backup database/cube

    The repository is held in a file called msmdrep.mdb unless it has been migrated, in which case it could be held within the MSDB database

  • RE: Compressing SQL Backups and logs?

    For info Winzip 9 (Beta available) does zip/unzip files over 4gb.

  • RE: SP3 Install Error

    Check the sqlsp.log file....could be access related

  • RE: SP3a Installation

    Thanks for the input guys. I've found that its the version number of the ssnetlib.dll file (via network utility) that will increase from 8.00.760 to 8.00.766 not the @@version...

  • RE: SP3a Installation

    Sorry I think you misunderstand. Yes .760 is sp3, but having installed sp3a I'm expecting it to be .766, but its still coming up with .760 🙂

Viewing 15 posts - 46 through 60 (of 62 total)