AWE Enable

  • We have Windows 2003 Advanced Server and MS SQL Server 2000 SP3a. My Boot.ini says "/3GB /PAE" and on SQL server I have "AWE Enable" to 1.

    I have 7GB of RAM available on that box with 4 instances. Here is how I am trying to set max server memory limit  per instance:

    Server/Inst1    -   2.5G

    Server/Inst2    -  1.5G

    Server/Inst3   - 1 GB

    Server/Inst4   - 1 GB

    I know when we enable AWE option sql server will not be able to dynamically allocate memory . Hence I am trying to set max server memory limit so that everybody can live happily.

    Please let me know if what I am doing is correct. Or should I make it 6GB each and let the SQL server handle it ?  Will this cause any "insufficient memory" errors ?

    Any help in this context is appreciated.


  • I would do exactly as you have mentioned above. Set the max memory for each instance, otherwise you'll end up with one instance taking all the memory leaving nothing for the others.

    Shamless self promotion - read my blog

  • Have been researching this a little myself too and was under the impression you needed SQL Server Ent Edition to use AWE. 

    Are you using Ent Edition ? Have you checked using Task Manager or Windows Perf monitor that the memory has been allocated as requested.



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