Forum Replies Created

Viewing 7 posts - 1 through 7 (of 7 total)

  • RE: How do I audit tables touched?

    You can also download a free tool called SchemaAlert from Lumigent, which will log any object changes to Windows application event log.

  • RE: Check SQL Server Uptime

    Thanks Shas3. But what I'm looking for is something that will let me generate a report for the length of the uptime, downtime, and the start of the downtime...

  • RE: initconfig: Error 32(The process cannot access...

    Thanks lot, Antares686. Yes after I restarted MSSQLServer and SQLAgent, the lock went away. I have backup job running nightly to backup system databases, including Master. But...

  • RE: Connecting to SQL Server through ASP

    The easiest way to test if it's connection issues, copy and paste your connection "ConnectionString "Provider=SQLOLEDB; Data Source=x.x.x.x,1520; Initial Catalog=BoardAnalyst; User ID=x; Password=x" into a text file, and then...

  • RE: Excel Import

    The way I did is to creat a Link server that is pointing to the excel file, and create a sp to insert the rowset into the table.

  • RE: ActiveX Scripting in DTS


    It worked. Thanks lot, Andy!


  • RE: SQL Mail

    Thanks lot, Brian. I'll give it a try.

Viewing 7 posts - 1 through 7 (of 7 total)