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Viewing 15 posts - 16 through 30 (of 104 total)

  • RE: High lob logical reads on a query with just 2 simple tables

    KBSK (10/3/2016)

    SELECT t1.SubscriptionID, t1.NotificationTypeID

    , t2.NotificationCriteria--xml field (for notificationTypeID = 12, the length of xml field is 12000 characters)


    with statistics io set to on

    (2045 row(s) affected)

    Table 'Subscription'. Scan count 2, logical...


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  • RE: High lob logical reads on a query with just 2 simple tables

    GilaMonster (10/3/2016)

    Hmm... Odd.

    How large are the XML columns being returned by that query? (use the DataLength() function)

    NotificationCriteria is 16370 (constant for that 1 record) (this is the one having high...


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  • RE: High lob logical reads on a query with just 2 simple tables

    Alternative 1:

    Also, if I try to get the @NotificationCriteria xml part into a variable (it can only be 1 record per typeID)

    This gets rid of lob logical reads. However, this...


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  • RE: High lob logical reads on a query with just 2 simple tables

    p.s. Are you sure you want the potentially missing and duplicate rows that nolock allows?

    Yes, at this time.

    Execution plan is attached (note, it has more columns than I trimmed earlier)


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  • RE: How to centralize your SQL Server Event Logs.<!-- 864 -->

    The setup is complete.

    When I test with the following statement, 8 SAME records are inserted.

    raiserror ('working great',16,1) with log

    Everytime I run, 8 records are being inserted. Is it...


    Human Knowledge Belongs To The World !!

  • RE: TSQL or SSIS

    Jeff Moden (8/9/2010)

    KBSK (8/9/2010)

    its better i would've gone through SSIS approach...

    Now i got a bad impression 🙁



    Ummm... are you saying that other people have a bad impression of you because...


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  • RE: TSQL or SSIS

    liesl.fourie (8/5/2010)

    Your problem could be what is referred to as the "Double hop" error: User logs into SQL with Windows Authentication.

    File to import resides on network machine (UNC...


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  • RE: TSQL or SSIS

    Jeff Moden (8/5/2010)

    KBSK (8/5/2010)

    KBSK (8/4/2010)

    Jeff Moden (8/2/2010)

    It's sometimes difficult to "fight city hall" and you may have to kowtow to their wishes by using SSIS... in which case, I can't...


    Human Knowledge Belongs To The World !!

  • RE: TSQL or SSIS

    KBSK (8/4/2010)

    Jeff Moden (8/2/2010)

    It's sometimes difficult to "fight city hall" and you may have to kowtow to their wishes by using SSIS... in which case, I can't help. I normally...


    Human Knowledge Belongs To The World !!

  • RE: TSQL or SSIS

    Jeff Moden (8/2/2010)

    It's sometimes difficult to "fight city hall" and you may have to kowtow to their wishes by using SSIS... in which case, I can't help. I normally don't...


    Human Knowledge Belongs To The World !!

  • RE: TSQL or SSIS

    Jeff Moden (8/2/2010)

    That's not true if you use a proper staging table as the target of the BULK INSERT.

    Yes, its a Windows Authentication(for every one).

    Could you please clarify on staging...


    Human Knowledge Belongs To The World !!

  • RE: TSQL or SSIS

    Jeff Moden (7/28/2010)

    If the structure of the text file is known, BULK INSERT would probably be your best bet. Doesn't require ad hoc queries to be enabled.

    Thank you.

    I dono...


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  • RE: On update, log old/new values along with column_name into another table


    I did it....

    but at the cost of creating two temporary tables inside a trigger...also with cursor....

    one for INSERTED and other for DELETED...

    i was forced to create temp tables so that...


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  • RE: On update, log old/new values along with column_name into another table

    Mike01 (7/12/2010)

    Are all the updates performed through stored procedures or are they performed outside the database?

    Hi Mike,

    updates are being done outside the database through a VC++ application for which...


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  • RE: log UPDATEs to the column in a table

    Is scripting and pasting in the trigger the only way to achieve this?




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Viewing 15 posts - 16 through 30 (of 104 total)