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    Brilliant thanks

  • RE: String question

    I think I've got it to work. 🙂

    Thanks for your help on this one - a nice one to learn about.

    My SQL skill are improving slowly !!!

  • RE: String question

    Thanks for your reply I will go off and experiment with that.

    I learned SQL by myself so bear with me.

    Thanks again

  • RE: String question

    Certainly not a homework question. That was a long time ago. 🙂

    I don't have any SQL to give at the moment.

    I was just seeking ideas as to how others...

  • RE: msdb.dbo.sp_send_dbmail

    I have found the answer I was using a temp table in the dynamic query and the email procedure couldn't see it. Upon changing it to a global temp table...

  • RE: msdb.dbo.sp_send_dbmail

    Just to add when I do exec(@LOCALQUERY) it runs as expected - no errors

  • RE: Simple question

    I was creating the scripts for the table definitions and data,

    but after simplifying it for this forum, I was getting the result I was expecting.

    I think it was because I...

  • RE: Dynamic PIVOT HELP

    That works

    Never knew you had to put it in brackets

    Thank-You for you advice 🙂

  • RE: Dynamic PIVOT HELP

    This is what I expected no cropping when I replaced it with PRINT

    SELECT [PLACE-REF],[JOB-NO],[JOB-STATUS-MAP],[CONTRACT-CODE],[99. Job Cancelled],[09. IBS Completed],[05. Referred to AM],[10. IBS Financially Completed],[01.1. No Access/Refused],[08. Actual Finish],[01. IBS Logged],[11....

Viewing 9 posts - 1 through 9 (of 9 total)