Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 30 total)

  • RE: Importing Tricky CSV Files with PowerShell

    While not perfect, I use the code below for this. the 'l' function is just a logging function that prepends a date/time. You can see them both here:

  • RE: Importing DTS files

    if you read it into a string, you could do an instrrev for the 4th row delimiter, assuming there is a row delimiter after every single row, that would be...


    sometimes the executor doesn't have writes to anything other than logging database and the source/destination data sources.

  • RE: eliminating the usage of XP_CMDSHELL

    why perl as opposed to vbscript of javascript? or why in the world c vs something else?

    doesn't look like the script does much special by it's looks. i would...


    if you want to return query results, here's a vbscript sample.



    option explicit


    dim objServer, objDatabase, objQueryResults, strSQL, i


    strSQL = "select distinct name from sysdtspackages"

    'connect to server

    set objServer = createobject("sqldmo.sqlserver")

    objserver.loginsecure = true



    progress bar would require a lot more effort. you're on your own there =P


    why wouldn't you just use enterprise manager?

    this works fine for me.

    //create objects

    SQLDMO.SQLServer2 s = new SQLDMO.SQLServer2Class();

    SQLDMO.Backup2 b = new SQLDMO.Backup2Class();

    SQLDMO.Restore2 r = new SQLDMO.Restore2Class();

    //db name

    string d = "empty";

    //db owner -...

  • RE: What is Better -- PDF as Image in SQL or IFilter & Indexing Service

    i've used index service to do this before and it worked fine with the pdf filter in place. with that many files though you will want to keep an eye...

  • RE: Insert the pdf file

    I would echo this question. Is there a reason you must store the file in sql as opposed to just storing the files in a specific location and storing path...


    you'd need to include more detail on the schema you are importing. i routinely import very large xml files (100-200mb) and they only take a few minutes. i get in...

  • RE: Saving DTS Packages and Possible error

    you can use sqldmo to do this really easily. something similar to

    with createobject("dts.package")

    .loadfromsqlserver server,package

    .savetoserver server, package

    end with

    the syntax on that isn't correct, but you can get the details from msdn...

  • RE: Executing a step in a DTS package from Another DTS package

    also note that you can call the task directly if you know the name of the task. i know you can change the name of the task in the disconnected...

  • RE: Executing a step in a DTS package from Another DTS package


    Function Main()

     CallStepInPackage ".","hi","CommonActiveXScript"

     Main = DTSTaskExecResult_Success

    End Function

    Sub CallStepInPackage(strServer,strPackage,strStep)


     dim objPackage, objStep

     'create package object

     set objPackage = CreateObject("DTS.Package2")

     'use windows authentication and load dts package

     objPackage.LoadFromSQLServer strServer,,,256,,,,strPackage

     'get our step

     for each objStep in objPackage.Steps

      if objStep.description =...

  • RE: Saving all DTS packages to VB files

    i use this to modify multiple dts package connections. you need to modify the servername and some queries, but this will do what you want. you'll need to look up...

  • RE: Deploying a DTS package

    re: copying the package to another server, you could use the dts.package com object to load the package and save it to the target server if you just need to...

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 30 total)